Or maybe I just have a fever,I'm just gonna go with the latter here.

I look back to Rafal and stand up abruptly."I hereby announce that tonight we will be watching all the Alice in Wonderland movies !"I announce and then take my seat,calmly might I add.

"Why the hell did you do that?"Rafal says looking around and smiling sheepishly at the onlookers.

"You know for a guard you get pretty embarrassed easily."Riccardo states with a smirk and just before Rafal can retaliate our waiter comes with the drinks and Riccardo's phone rings.

"Your lucky."Rafal grumbles and I laugh at his cuteness,taking a sip of my milkshake and a bite of my cookie.I can't help but moan in delight cause damn this is delicious.

How can someone make such heaven honestly?"Hey Cheshire,how did you get into all this?"I ask Rafal.

He chuckles lightly and takes a sip of his coffee."I was on the verge of death when this guy here found me,my father died and my mother then started a brothel and neglected me so I left.I was homeless for 4 months and I hadn't eaten in three days."

"I had a necklace that my father gave to me,"He pulls out his necklace from underneath and I see that it's a cross with diamonds on it,"These thugs wanted it,but I couldn't give it to them but I also couldn't fight but then Enzo and Ric were passing by and saw and then they took me in."Rafal finishes off and just when he finished Riccardo finished his call.

"Oh well at least you are still alive and well."I say and finally finish my milkshake.

You know when the drink is done but then you know in your gut that there's still some so you suck and it makes that sound,yeah that's what I'm doing.

It's a lot to be honest takes up energy-

"Could you stop that ,it's fucking finished."Riccardo says to me,interrupting my thoughts and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"There's still some and I'm not stopping till it's all done."I declare and Rafal watches with an amused look however Riccardo has the opposite,a glare,what a baby.

20 minutes later,I am finally finished with everything and so damn fool.Rafal and Riccardo have been talking about something mafia related ,I think.

I look around and see the pet shop and a wide smile graces my lips."Princesa I'm gonna go abs get a pet."I say still looking at the shop,I get up from my seat and walk fast towards it,too happy to hear the shouts the guys are saying.

I enter the shop,the bell ringing as I enter.A nice lady who looks to be maybe a year younger than me comes to me with a smile,a dimple showing on her dark skin.She wears a purple hijab,beige sweater tucked in black skinny jeans and some sneakers.

"You're really pretty."I blurt out and she chuckles,"You too."She reply's and I give her a smile.

"I'm Jamila,what can I help you with today?"The girl,Jamila,asks and I shrug my shoulders."I saw a pet shop and ran here,I never put much thought to it."I say walking around and looking at the birds,Jamila following behind.

The chime rings and I stick my head out to see who it is.A wide smile goes onto my lips when I see who it is.

"Princesa!"I say and run up to him,hitting him on the shoulder when I reach him."Meet Jamila,she's very pretty yes?"I say looking up into his eyes.He rolls his eyes and mutters a "yes" but then mutters something else in Italian.

I should've listened more in class now that I think about it.

"Nice to meet you Princesa?"Jamila says with a nervous smile and Riccardo grunts in response,I roll my eyes and answer for him.

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