This morning, he was still thinking how Ye Junchi could sneak into the secret grounds without anyone finding out. Who knew when he was changing clothes, Ye Junchi stood behind him and stared at his back for a long time. He(YJC) came nearer and held onto his(JY) waist, then stopped moving. JiYuan thought demon lord daren wanted to act rogue-ish (pervert) early in the morning, but the fact was he(YJC) has turned into a slender little snake. Sliding into his robe, Ye Junchi went to encircle his waist and refused to budge since.

Towards these soft-bodied and cold-blooded animals, JiYuan doesn't have much fear but he was certainly disgusted by it. Immediately his whole body became stunned and stiff like an ice sculpture. It was until Ye Junchi slowly slithered to the front to face him, and JiYuan saw him looking like a cute little snake, that the conflict inside JiYuan's heart slowly disappeared. Then, the little snake seized the opportunity to stretch out a little tongue and licked at JiYuan's lips, before slithered back quickly to his waist.

System 'Hurhurhur' laughed, though the electronic sound kinda make the laugh wave-less (no high/low tone) and even sounded a bit cold, "Big bro being a scoundrel is not something you could stop. How about it, retaliate 'a tooth for a tooth'?"

JiYuan calmly asked, "Being kissed by a snake, so I need to kiss back to gain the upper hand?"

System : "..."

The cold little snake has turned warm from being covered by his clothes, JiYuan also doesn't dare to tie his belt too tightly. He afraid that Big bro would get suffocated and not happy, then went 'somewhere else' to roll around.

After Jiang Xuesong 'blahblahblah-ed' for some time, he(JXS) then brought a few people with him to personally escort the winners to the entrance of the secret grounds. His behavior was like the rumor, the kind-hearted and generous Jiang family Head. If not already knew his true face, even JiYuan who used to see pretentious false appearances would be blinded by this act.

At the entrance of the secret grounds, Jiang Xuesong once again reminded the winners with long-winded talk. JiYuan listened to it for a moment, then summed up what the Jiang family Head has said as, 'Unity and Friendship', 'Helping each other' and 'Make progress together'. He(JY) felt for a moment that the Jiang family Head has great potential to become a teacher in his original world.

The secret grounds were the 'urn' set by Jiang Xuesong and the person hidden behind him in the dark. Now the other side(JXS+X) was trying to 'lure them into the trap', while JiYuan and Ye Junchi were trying to 'get into the urn to catch turtle'.

Would they(JXS+X) be successful in their calculations or would they(JY+YJC) be successful instead in finding out the mastermind behind by 'following the vine to the melon'? The result was not something they could predict at the moment.

[T/N : Lol, the author is trying to kill me by inserting long-winded idioms in each section separated by commas. The summary for the paragraph above is the bad people is trying to set JiYuan and Ye Junchi up in a trap, believing that they are not aware they are being set-up. While JiYuan and Ye Junchi knew about the trap and get into it anyway, to find out who was instructing the family Head. Who will succeed? Nobody knows :v]

JiYuan glanced at the JiShen who was still putting up a strong front, thinking if he(JY) should knock him out later and hide him in a safe place.

A few people has other people they were familiar with to accompany them, and there were some who was alone. After pausing for a moment, they all walked into the secret ground.

JiYuan followed behind JiShen, and the moment he stepped into the secret ground, the world in front of him instantly changed. On the outside, it was cloudy with bleak autumn wind blowing around but inside the secret ground, it was bright spring weather with singing birds and fragrant flowers. There was no other people around, JiYuan froze for a while, then understood that it seemed like the Jiang family has activated some spell mechanism and all 10 people has been sent to different places.

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