Markos Amanodel: CXLV

Start from the beginning

"You.. what?" Markos questioned. Asher. Estral. Asher. It said it killed what? Asher?

"Wide open!" Victoro chided behind him. *SBAT* "Gh-" The nobleman was sent flying behind him by his defenses. Before the Lord could hit the wall however he turned to mist and floated up. Markos's head twitched to the side. 'He killed Asher..'

'Kill it.' 'Kill it.' 'K-kill it.' 'Kill it Enah.'

'Kill it.' Voice echoed in his mind over and over, his body shook with anger and rage. All around his head a little portal began to tear open lightning hitting the ground at odd angles even though he did not will it. His powers were starting to glitch out. He felt a small hand drift behind him unclasping the lock around his neck. 'Go.'

"YOU KILLED ASHER!" Markos charged. Pulling his trident to him he jumped into the air. The giant below him raised a skeleton torn-up arm with a morning star in its grip. "Ctugraha." He hurled his trident into a portal that opened in front of him. Closing it quickly Markos landed on the giant's face-punching him. "AGH!!"

"Ug- off!" The giant grabbed his cloak, throwing him to the side.

*Wsssthentt* "GHA! What th-" The trident reappeared behind the giant stabbing him in the back. Markos fell backward into a new portal he opened, jumping over the giant. He shot lighting, then ice. Using spells he had never wanted to even practice. "What the hell?!" He threw his trident through portals to make it come out and impact locations that it never should have.

"Y-You killed Asher! Please! Die for me!" Markos stuttered.

It was somewhat of a blur. Markos leaped up and back falling into a new portal he had created. The spells he had displayed with the party never really showed what planar shifting truly meant. The giant grabbed his legs throwing him to the ground. Before it could even contact however Markos fell through jumping at its back. It was a weird feeling falling through one point in space only to have gravity instantly affect him differently when he landed. "AHH!" He screamed not in pain but frustration, Markos grabbed his trident facing the giant and swung, opening a portal to the left he let his polearm wrap around it slicing the creature in the back. He stabbed down into the ground making the spear go up. He fell over opening a new gateway over the thing's head.

"GHA! GETAWAY WHAT ON TORIL IS THIS?!" He was shaken off by the giant.

"D-die for me! P-please! Uheo please help me kill him dead!" Kill him dead? What was going on? He felt splintered and fractured torn apart from the inside. Pleading with tears down his face. Asher was gone.. And this thing killed him! With bloody fingers, he grabbed his trident stabbing it towards the giant's chest. He willed it to go through a separate gateway, stabbing the creature in the back, then the arms. Multicolored spectacles seemed to gloss over his eyes he wasn't sure how many were there.

'We're all in agreement. Bunnies are fluffy.'

He danced around before using stored momentum to land on the giant's head. "Pretty please?!" Blood sprayed out of the skull oozing over its body in a black sick fluid. The creature was already nearly dead anyway, it took so very little to end it. Markos stood, staring at the dead body and then at Riu who was on the ground. Over her stood Herod breathing heavily and angrily. "Anyone touches that body! I will fuck your corpse!" Markos screamed. The whole room stopped for a moment and stared at him. Too much?

"VICTORO!!" A flash of green lightning engulfed the room. Herod disappeared from over Riu's body faster than the blink of an eye. Electricity boomed from around him sending devils flying while they were incinerated. He glanced upward, Herod appeared just over the balcony surrounded with what looked like the figure of a deer. A massive hoof crashed into the ground sending shockwaves across the temple. Markos pulled his trident out of Hrabaz's head, for once the voices seemed satiated. "No more! You don't get to hurt my friends anymore!" Herod was battling alone above him.. Markos.. He had to help. He tied the cloth around one of his wounds and ran at the two-hundred-foot wall that separated the balcony above him.

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