Herod Westwood: CV

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Power: CV

"Any advice?!" Herod shot a spell at the last spined devil while others evacuated the civilians he stood back to back with Markos who was twirling his trident deflecting spines.

"Stab them with silver!" Markos yelled in response. That was informative Herod thought, they didn't really have that option right now did they, Renaer was up next running at the last devil.

"I don't have silver!" Renear protested. He pulled his rapier back for a strike.

"Take out silver coins and stab those with your sword and then hit them-" Markos tried to explain. But Renaer had already stricken the last creature, the one responsible for both of their injuries. Mostly Markos though. Herod felt Vaelle's back push against his left shoulder and presumably Markos's left.

"What's a silver coin?" Renaer asked. Herod nearly burst out laughing; they forget this fucker was a rich boy!

'Get around the devil! We need to find the cultists!' Vulity chided. Yeah he agreed but right now the creature was his main priority.

"So nice for you to join us as we battle for our lives." Herod chuckled at Vaelle. the girl was a little bit red with embarrassment but also pale with fear, a funny mix he thought. Since they had taken her in, the girl slowly was adapting to something he figured was her actual personality.

"I'm not going anywhere.. I've got a debt." She replied coldly. Well damn he just wanted some humour. A spine flung at the two of them Herod slashed one out of the air and shot another back. He was slowly figuring out how to send the spines back at them.

"Vulity Recta!" He felt energy pulse from his blade flinging the spine back at the devil hitting it square in the jaw.

"Ah!" Vulity screamed in pain, he looked over. She was sweeping away a spine while Markos got thrown back by a tail. The two of them fighting together. Rage filled his head, his ears grew hot. Blood dripped from Markos's stomach and he was hunched over dropping his trident to the ground. His eyes dulled a little and...

*Ncochek* Herod recognized the sound. A cocking gun.

"Heh.." Markos's face snapped up, his eyes were filled with a more red color. "Parry this you filthy casual!" Herod couldn't cover his ears before Markos unloaded the handgun from the drow into the devil. *BREBANG!*

A bullet shot right into its chest, unlike other attacks it seemed to actually go through quite a bit. Which was a relief. Herod picked up and shot another spell.

"Puderis ferrum Hex omni Maledictum!" He shot a hexblades curse over the creature, its yellow energy pulsating now it sounded like it was.. Charging. "Vulity!" He spun the sword and simply shot energy hitting it critically watching the color drain a little bit.


Vaelle's spear flew past his ear slamming straight into its arm. A new weapon he hadn't seen before, but clear it was a spear from her. She'd been practicing. He saw Markos unload a second shot from his gun before he hurled his trident into the creature and summoned it back, nice combo-

"Shall I say this one so you may hope to understand it?" Markos spat, his speech was odd, different. Not like when he wore an elder sign.. "Wuztmkadz." Pink lighting shot from his trident and exploded the spined devil like it was made of paper. Had he just.. Casted a spell in another language than his casting tongue? Herod knew it could be done, hell for him it was easy.. he'd just never seen Markos do it. "There.. They're all.. Dead.." The cultist panted. Herod spun his sword, realizing he was right. They had actually.. Done it.

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