Vestus Konstotte: CXL

Start from the beginning

"CgggcAeeeR." A low spit-filled sound whispered up his spine. Vestus frowned. A sensation overcame him like that of death. The terrible breathing continued, each one louder and more pained then the last. They made his arms tense and his body ache.

"Holy Corellon.." Adleth whispered at his side, holy indeed. Vestus raised his ax with one hand and pulled his hammer from his back with another. "Is that.. I-it cant be.." His peripheral vision had been so filled with Victoro and the cultists, Vestus had not noticed the disgusting abomination that stood at the side of the chamber.

It was vile, seven feet tall with black chared pale white skin. The figure was clearly a giant, but also not quite. Burning purple eyes were accented by the indigo flames that wafted off of the figure. Its right eye was completely gone, instead, replaced by a large silver coin. The wound looked deep. Too deep to survive. Its stomach was cut open and covered with metal plates that occasionally spewed forth puss and mucus, white foam dripping off its form. Clearly a stab wound. The giant's left arm had been severed at the elbow, instead replaced by a fixed morning star mace that looked damaged. It stumbled forward, its legs were reinforced with copper braces making horrific clicking sounds while it walked. Its mouth was slightly decayed and hanging open with clear signs of rot overtaking it. The body wafted a terrible stench, like that of burning flesh; the purple fire saw to that. Most horrific of all, however, was the entity's right hand. Vestus's heart pounded with fury, long elegantly crafted twisted Damascus steel. A guard like that of an open wolf's mouth, embroidered by two sigils.

"T-that's Hrabazz.." Vaelle stuttered. He locked eyes with the girl, her body shaking in fear. She knew something.. But right then it didn't matter. It wouldn't matter.. The large figure smiled terribly spitting out rows of purple blood. It was actively decaying before his eyes.

"Where. Did you get. That sword?" Vestus demanded, for the briefest of seconds all he could hear was the crack of fire. The hymns and prayers being demanded by the cultists became secondary and unimportant. So.. Estral.. Asher.. He closed his eyes in silent remorse. He was a failure. The giant merely smiled back at him. "I am sorry my son.." He whispered. However, now wasn't the time for grief. Now was the time for rage. Hrabbaz charged him, he could hear the thumping of reanimated feet dance the ground.

"N-no- n-no! It cant!" Vaelle screamed to his left but he paid her no attention. The large abomination was still charging.

"I am so so sorry," He continued as if the monster posed no threat. "I have failed to save you in life." The foot steps got even closer. "So." He shot his eyes open once more drinking in the horrible light of the temple and roared. "I WILL AVENGE YOU IN DEATH!" He leapt, throwing any sense of caution to the wind. Metal rang like a symphony, with the morning star meeting his hammer. With his axe-wielding hand he batted the arm away before giving the big monster a slash against its chest. Blood flew across its body before being swallowed up by the purple fire. It was starting to all come together. Instantly their blades met. The tall proud exitium sword he'd made for his boy struck his ax in combat ringing out a cold sad melody into the air. It filled him with rage, the weapon he made for Estral.. Was now in the hands of this creature. "ARGH!!" He screamed spitting on the fuck. He swung with a flurry of blows, one after another after another. Damascus rang repeatedly while they could neither find another scratch.

"Estral Ever'reiyn..." Hrabbaz croaked out a crooked voice, speaking the name.

"You can talk you ugly bastard?!" He wasn't nearly as nimble as Adleth who was jumping from place to place killing cultists with speed. Every blow either hit his own axe or hit him. Flipping his grip on his red hammer, Vestus caught the morning star in midswing locking it above his head. The same repeated with his ax to the sword. Vestus leaned in snarling at the already barking beast.

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