Herod Westwood: CXXXV

Start from the beginning

"You'll have to excuse me." Victoro interrupted suddenly. "I have other.." The nobleman stopped to take a deep breath. Following his gaze.. Markos was dancing splendidly with.. The man from before; Nelius. When they turned Herod could've sworn Nelius was beet red.

"Victoro." Herod reached out grabbing the Lord, simultaneously he hooked his arm into Riu's "What's the rush my good sir? Relax, it's a party, let's take to the floor."

"I-" Victoro began, Herod grinned he had him he- "I do apologize. I believe my wife needs me, as does a staff member. They seem to have forgotten.." Victoro looked him up and down. Herod wanted to step back, those cold eyes roaming him. "Their place." The Lord turned and clicked his expensive shoes against the luxurious marble towards Markos without another word. Cold.

"Dance now." Riu sneered. He realized she was ready to put the plan into action. He rushed to the floor and spun her around. They started the dance all over again like nothing had happened. In one corner he spotted Alekzandr looking miserable, alongside Andraste strolled with Mattrim. Good for her.

'THOT!' Vulity insisted on calling her a thot.. Wait.. maybe Vulity was always right?

Riu tapped his shoulder. *"When I tell you to. Lift my dress."* Herod cringed when she said that, it was weird, and ugh.

'Don't you do it..' Vulity threatened. He squinted his eyes at the fox.

"It's for the plan Vulity don't screw it up.." He muttered. At the other end of the ball, Adleth danced with Vaelle both of which looked pretty stunning. He got closer and closer, secretly circling the ballroom in a large show getting close to the waiter next to Nelius. He took a deep breath, alright.. This was going to be difficult. He had to cast his cantrip and spell near one another without an incantation. His eyes locked with Riu's blue-gold ones and she nodded in affirmation. Victoro was escorting Nelius to a doorway and knew it was now or never.

*"Markos"* Riu's eyes turned the dark blue of her familiars as his own became glossed over; he got a look behind him. *"Alekz.."* He made eye contact with the soldier standing far in front of him. *"Distraction. NOW!"* He yelled at them both in tandem.


Quick note, it turns out.. Alekzandr and Markos must be related. Cause they've just got the exact same distraction instincts! And are very good at it.

The loudest noise echoed behind him as a litany of plates fell on the ground. 'Now!' He thought, he leaned forward diving Riu over and tilting her like a fucking boss. He closed his eyes and let power flow through him. Minor illusion. The music picked up no doubt Andraste had cast something to increase its volume for a moment. With the crescendo, he spun Riu in the air and waved his hand sending the spell after the darting black figure of Kuro. Before anyone could see the dragon a noise from the other end of the ball rang out.


A series of tables lost stability. Alekzandr made a quick exit to the side gardens not doubt following the example of distraction. Herod watched Kuro, disguised under the briefest of minor illusions rattle through the doorway before a confused Victoro or Nelius could see. The familiar was in. Herod escorted Riu away from the dance floor to give the aasimar the chance to commune. He looked up at the clock, it was nine twenty, he needed to hurry up.

*"What do you see?"*

Riu's eyes turned a shade of dark blue while he slowly escorted her outside of the main ballroom. He had to be careful she didn't seem very used to seeing out of two sets of eyes as she was stumbling down the stairs. He looked out seeing the large gathered party outside the main house in the gardens. Commoners were dressed in a mixture of fancy and just somewhat formal attire. "It's.. mostly jumpy.. The man really doesn't seem to know where he is.." Riu paused on the steps, Herod looked behind him. Alekzandr was creeping around the stairs rather than on them. Alekz opened the door of the gate to the commoner's party and the guards let them pass, people could probably go one way but not the other Herod figured. Escorting her inside Herod set the girl down on a chair taking a breather, thank Puderis they actually made it without the damned fuckers noticing. "He just entered a back room.. Past the kitchen into the back and.. Wait.. there's a... staircase." Riu muttered watching the eyes of her familiar. She shook her head. "He's too far.. I have to pull him back now." Her eyes renewed themselves in that frost color Herod grit his teeth, damn, they had a staircase.. And nothing else.

"Alright. What else?" He scanned the area realizing they had somewhat of a crowd people were.. He clenched his teeth eating and celebrating the area around him. This wasn't a good scene.

"I think.. He opened like a lock or something? I couldn't be sure." Riu's gaze raised up. Herod looked behind him, he hoped it wasn't cultists. Luckily it was just the giant.

"So, what have we found?" Vestus crossed his arms as he entered the garden with Adleth and Vaelle close behind him.

"Possibly.. An entrance." Riu replied though she sounded out of breath. He hoped to see Markos somewhere nearby.

"Vestus?" A familiar voice asked. His eyes grew wide and his lungs filled with panic, Herod had taken so much time to ensure Riu's safety and the safety of the information he'd.. Completely neglected to even look at the crowd. Standing not ten feet away with drinks in hand were Avi and Embric. Just one look on Vestus's face told him all he needed to know. Panic, concern, and paranoia. 'What.'

"Oh, Puderis.." He cursed.

"Vestus, we didn't expect you here at this party.. You didn't seem the type." Vestus took a step forward. His body trembling, grasping their shoulders.

"I... Embric.. Avi.." The giant started to sound like he was panicking. "I'm.. not here to party.."

"Oh? Then what are you.." Avi's voice trailed off as the horrible realization came to him. "You.. working?" Avi regarded Herod, He grimaced.

"Afraid so," Herod replied.

"Avi. Embric have you.. You've already eaten..?" Vestus rapidly caught the two upon the situation watching more and more they seemed to grow terrified at the prospect of the cultish sacrifice. Herod's heart sank; he couldn't even begin to think about if the cult robbed them of Steam and Steel. He liked those guys! They entered deeper into the commoner party while at first an attempt to look at the going around.. Now it felt like a funeral. "Try to get somewhere safe.. I'm not sure where but.. Just.. somewhere." Herod placed a hand on Vestus's back.

He shook his head grasping the giant. "They're gonna be alright.. We-"

"We're going to kill every last man in this cult." Vestus interrupted, Herod eyed the clock nervously, it was already nine thirty-five.

"Rishall?" Alekzandr's voice broke, Herod desperately wanted to pull his friend away but Alekzandr had already ran to the dragonborn. What? He was there as well? The book keeps who'd hired him before they even had the damned tavern..

"Alekz! So good to see you." Rishall smiled, drink in hand. Herod slipped a hand over his face in disgust.

'How dare they..'

"Rishall what.. What are you doing here?" Alekzandr demanded. A handset gently on Herod's back and he placed it on Markos's shoulder. He didn't know what to do, Alekzandr.. And Vestus.. Their friends were there consuming poison they didn't even know was poison. His blood boiled for the first time that night. The golden dragon born was looking more and more shocked by the minute, the wide garden had Herod spinning in circles, he heard Alekzandr's voice crack and rip apart. "Rishall.. You need to.. I..." What could anyone say that wouldn't have you branded a mad man? "Why are you here?"

"My friend.. Cersei invited me.. Old colleague from the shop.. Why are you so distressed?"

'Oh.. Puderis..' Vulity whispered like a ghost.

He walked away, leaving Markos still dressed as a girl with him. He didn't want to watch this. "What are you.." Herod started a question, seeing Markos scoop up a set of cupcakes.

"Just a thought.." The half-elf responded his violet eyes looked to be elsewhere. Herod watched the faces of his friends twist in agony at the sight of loved ones. It was the first time his blood boiled that night, his ears burning in anger, something he had not felt in so long. He clenched his fist, digging his nails in until they drew blood. He was going to end a noble line that night. 

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