Yandere female soldiers x male general reader.

Start from the beginning

Summer- Yes sir!

Y/N- Everyone here, that's good cause tonight is gonna be a good one, we are being deployed for a mission that involves recon and peace enforcement. It must've sucked not having to be in action for months here in the base but tonight is gonna be our time to shine. Now, we leave at 2300 and meet me at the trucks by then, understood everyone.

Soldiers- Sir yes sir!

Y/N- Mm Hm, damn right, that's the spirit everyone. See you soon.

I walked over to the trucks and was gonna wait till the time is there to move out.

Y/N's mind- Let's do another successful mission!

(Kass's POV)

Now that Y/N is gone, we can begin talking last details of our plan.

Kass- Coast is clear guys.

Bell- That's good cause we need to talk about it tonight.

Kass- I was about to begin our discussion about it, we can't let it go to shit. 

Echo- This is for our future with Y/N, I don't want him to get himself killed like those months ago.

Summer- He says he is fine but I don't believe that, he is brave but that can get him killed. 

Kass- I remember, all of us running in the rain and very injured after an unsuccessful mission but yet Y/N was still standing and made sure we were to safety. 

Bell- He was out for a while but we were by his side till he covered, making sure no one came close to him not to bother him and assisted him when he needed it.

Echo- He has done much for us since we were rooks, no way he is gonna stay here for long.

Summer- Yes, we finally found a contact to get us fake IDs and fake our deaths so we can get away without us being hunted.

Kass- Another thing, Echo, do you find our guy who can take Y/N to our safe house.

Echo- Yes I did, he knows what to do and what happens if he decides to betray us.

Kass- Good. Bell, do you have our silence 1911's ready?

Bell- Yes I do, all ready to kill.

Summer- Everything is in place I bet, can't wait till we have him.

Kass- I know we will now let's move ladies, we can't waste any time now.

Bell/Echo/Summer- Right!

We got our gear and headed our way to the trucks where everything is gonna be set into motion.

Kass's mind- We got you at last General Y/N, you won't risk yourself in here ever again.~


(No POV)

As the team made their way to the spot, the troops were counting on their guy to make it on time and nothing will get in the way of the plan. Y/N, on the other hand, was reading a magazine to pass the time. 

"We're here everybody."

They reached their destination and everybody got out of the truck to begin the mission.

Y/N- Alright everybody, now we first do some recon for any signs of any dangers up ahead. So echo, you go ahead and scout the area.

Echo- Yes sir.

Y/N- Everyone else, stand by for any orders.

Bell/Kass/Summer- Yes sir!

As Echo went ahead, she contacted their guy and waited for his arrival, soon enough he did and Echo went to business. 

Echo- Hello.

Guy- When is it a good time to take this target of mine?

Echo- Once I radio my squad of their orders, that's when he will be alone and that's when you do your job.

Guy- Understood.

Echo- Good, pleasure doing business with you.

Echo waited for a while longer then she radioed the women of needing some "assistance" on the front which they knew what was really happening. The soldiers reported the request to Y/N and he understood and sent them to her. Left all alone, Echo sent the guy to do his part, and first, he took out the driver to not make a sound to alarm Y/N. Then once that was done, he went for Y/N and he got closer behind him and...

Y/N- *Muffled yelling!*

Y/N struggled to get the man out but the man was a bit stronger than Y/N, soon he passed out on the floor and the man began to carry Y/N to the back of their truck and drove off to the safe house.


The guy put Y/N on the floor and cuffed his hands while he waiting for those soldiers to arrive, he had no idea why the man he kidnapped was important to them but if he learned anything on the streets, you don't ask any questions especially when they are soldiers who don't fuck around. Sometime later, the team arrived and saw that Y/N was there safe and not a scratch on him. 

Kass- Perfect, everyone, get him in the truck.

The rest nodded and did just that while Kass talked to their guy.

Kass- You did well.

Guy- My pleasure, now where is my pay?

Kass- I got it right here...

Then she pulled out a gun and pointed at his head.

Guy- B-b-b-but we had a deal!!

Kass- Oh buddy, you just don't get it. No one knows how much he means to us and we know you would snitch on us so...in the beginning, it was your doom from the start.


She shot him and blood was all over the walls and floor, but Kass only smiled and walked away from the scene. 

Kass- It's been done.

Bell- I say this was the best plan we ever had. 

Echo- And now we have our prize in front of us.

Summer- Then let's go and get the hell out of here then.

Kass- I agree with you, Bell you drive.

Bell- On it. 

Bell got to the driver's seat and drove to the spot where they will meet the contact to their fake IDs and KIA reports. The soldier's service is done with and thus begin their days as civilians with their future partner, Y/N L/N.

Kass/Bell/Echo/Summer- We have you now Y/N and we won't ever let you out of our sights and keep you safe forever.~

(The End)

Hope you enjoyed this one and till next time, see ya'll later!! :) :)

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