24: Twenty-Four Kisses

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Friday: December 24th, 2015

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Friday: December 24th, 2015

When I awoke on Christmas Eve, I had a text already waiting for me from Jasper, which coaxed a giddy smile onto my face.

Jas: So did you look up the meaning behind a red koi fish?

Me: Yes... You always used to draw me red koi fishes on my books and birthday cards...

Jas: Maybe I was always trying to tell you something.

Me: You're too cute.

Jas: No, that's you, Fish.

Me: ... you didn't start calling me Fish for the same reason, did you?

Jas: No, that was just me getting back at you for calling me Dumpling. But when I started looking into fish meanings... well, your nickname took on a new meaning for me.

I sent him an array of blushing emojis in response.

Jas: Still good to meet at the ice rink at 10?

Me: Yes, yes. I better get ready.

Jas: See you soon, Zara.

With a smile on my face, I threw back my bedsheets and placed my feet on the floor. But the moment the cold wood collided with my feet, a startling realisation dawned on me.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, leaping out of bed. Please still be here, please still be here, my mind pleaded with every footstep thudding down the stairs.

"Dad? Clare?" I called out when I had reached the ground floor.

"Yes, dear?" Clare's voice echoed from the kitchen.

My racing heart sighed in delight and I slowed in my steps as I entered. "Can I have my money for next week this week? At least half of it?"

Dad's brows furrowed from the table where he was feeding Hunter some goopy mess. "What for, poppet?" he asked.

"Jasper's birthday is tomorrow and I don't have anything for him and I totally forgot and I'm not going to have enough to get him anything nice with ice skating today."

Clare and dad shared a look with each other before a smile spread across her face. "His birthday is on Christmas?" she asked first.

I nodded. "He always hated, too, that Christmas always outshone his day, and I really want to make sure he has something for his birthday while everyone is celebrating Christmas."

"Well... where are you going ice skating?" Clare asked.

"Canary Wharf."

"Take the tube to Stratford when you're finished and I'll meet you there. We will make sure he gets something really special and it doesn't have to come from your allowance next week."

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