~kingy~ chapter 25

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Kingston's POV

"You lucked out on this one, you know?" My dad asked me from across the kitchen table. I nodded with a large smile on my face. "Your mother is absolutely infatuated with that boy." He told me and I agreed. Mom fell in love with Asher the second she saw him and that love just grew as they spent the day together.

After our little group hug earlier we all had some lunch together and then Asher took his mimi and poppy upstairs to play. When they came downstairs later we all watched Toy Story together and by the time that ended Asher was absolutely gone to the world so Oliver and my mom have him upstairs to get him ready for his afternoon nap. They were taking a little while so dad and I decided to just sit and talk in the kitchen.

"So, tell me about him." He asked me with a large grin, knowing how much I wanted to brag about my amazing pup. I immediately launched into the story of how we found him and the moments we've shared these past few days.

"It's been hard though. He keeps having nightmares and flashbacks of his past and it's heartbreaking to watch him suffer through it." I said sadly as I looked down.

"That poor little boy." Dad shook his head slowly. "But you guys need to be strong for him, yeah? You have to be there for him and Oliver because I know he can't be handling it to well either." I blinked hard and returned my gaze back to my dad.

"Yeah, yeah I know." I shook the sad thoughts from my head and my dad reached his arm over to pat me on the back.

"I'm proud of you, son. You're a great alpha, husband, and best of all father. I know you and I know you'll do everything in your power to make things better." He reassured me and I felt loads better. Having his approval meant everything to me. "Do you know what pack he came from?"

"Yeah actually, he told us last night. The Dark Moon pack, have you heard of it?" I asked him hopefully. I hadn't heard of the pack before Asher brought it up but I knew I needed to have it shut down as soon as possible.

"Not that I know of, but you should talk to Ben. He can find more details on where the pack is stationed and who the leaders are." I nodded, considering his words. I'd know Ben for years, he was a long time family friend of ours and he was amazing at finding people.

"That's a good idea. I'll call him tonight." I said.

"Call who tonight?" I heard Oliver ask as he and my mother walked into the kitchen. I pushed my chair out a little and held my arms open, Oliver quickly sitting down in my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and resituated us at the table before answering his previous question.

"Dad suggested we talk to Ben about Asher's old pack." I told him and Oliver stiffened in my hold. "It's alright, love. I'll take care of everything, you just watch after our pup, okay?" I asked him gently and he nodded, pushing himself closer to my chest. Oliver was really sensitive and he had very strong maternal feelings towards Asher so hearing about the old pack brought him down a lot.

"I think we're gonna head out, loves." My parents interrupted our moment with sympathetic looks. "Thank you for having us and allowing us to meet Asher, it was an honor." They stood from their seats.

"You wait here, baby. I'll be back in just a minute." I kissed him quickly and picked him up, sitting him in his own seat. It would've been a challenge to do considering his six foot frame but I was used to it by now.

"We're always here to babysit if you need it, honey." Mom told me sincerely when we reached the front door.

"We'll keep that in mind mom. Love you guys." I gave each of them a hug before opening the door and seeing them out.

"How are you doing, love?" I asked Oliver when I returned to the kitchen table. He had his head down and I could see his shoulders shaking slightly. "What's wrong, babe?" I asked as confusion hit me. We've talked about Asher's old pack a lot and he's never reacted like this before.

"S-sorry K-king. I-it's just," He paused and took a deep breath. "The r-realization of w-what h-happened to h-him hit m-me. I've b-been trying n-not to think a-about it b-because I knew I w-wouldn't be able t-to h-handle i-it a-and I w-was r-right." He said in between sobs and I froze for a moment, thinking about the best way to handle this.

"Asher's been through a lot, hun. Probably too much, but that was all in the past. He's happy now and do you know why?" I asked him as I knelt in front of his chair.

"W-why?" Oliver asked as he looked up into my eyes.

"Because he has the most amazing mama he could ever ask for. I can't even begin to explain how great you are with Asher. You're always there for him when he's sad, you always know exactly what he needs when he needs it, and you are one of the most understanding people I have ever met." I reached for his hand and lightly kissed the top. "No more tears, darling. Asher wouldn't want you to be sad for him, you know that." I soothed him. Of course I know it's good for people to cry because they let out the pent up emotions but at this point he looked close to throwing up and I didn't want that to add to the current sobbing. I grabbed a tissue from behind me and used one hand to tilt Oliver's face up, carefully cleaning him up.

"Thank you so much, Kingy." He said softly before launching himself into my arms. I held him tight and moved my hands through his hair as I knew he always loved that, especially when he was in a clingy mood. I could tell by the little nickname he always calls me when he need a little extra physical affection.

"I love you so, so much baby and so does Asher." I reminded him and about five minutes later he had started to calm down. "How about you head up to our bathroom and go take a nice long bath? I'll bring in your tray for you and after I can grab Asher so we can spend a little time together tonight. Maybe cuddle in bed and he can sleep with us?" I asked him and he started tearing up all over again.

"Yes please." Oliver said in a small voice.

"Go ahead up and start the water. I'll meet you there in just a few moments." He stood fully and started walking but suddenly turned around and kissed me deeply. It was heated and lingering when he pulled away. I gave him one final peck and he quickly padded his way upstairs.

When I heard the water turn on I grabbed his favorite snack, rainbow goldfish, and poured some in a small glass bowl. I got his bath tray out from the cabinet and set the bowl on top before filling the kettle with water and getting it set to heat. While that was working I made my way to our study/library and got the book he was currently reading as well as his tabs and a highlighter, knowing he couldn't read without them. I then finished up his tea and got everything ready on the tray before walking up to the bathroom to meet Oliver.

"Hey baby, I brought you some things. Do you wanna go get undressed and I'll make sure everything's set up?" I asked as I entered and saw Ollie sitting on the edge of the large tub, staring into the water. He didn't really say anything, just got up and walked out of the room. I expected it though. Oliver needed time by himself to process all of the emotion and I needed to allow him that time.

I quickly turned the jets on in the bathtub and balanced the tray in the middle. The last thing I did before leaving was grabbing the bath salts and pouring some into the warm water. I did one last double check and headed towards the door just as Oliver came in wearing a red silk robe.

"Enjoy lovely. I'll be either in our room or the nursery when you're done." I said, giving him one gentle hug before leaving the room and closing the door softly behind me. I took a deep breath when I was by myself again and made my way to the dresser to grab a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain black sweatshirt. I changed and made a move to lay down on my large bed but I was interrupted by some rustling through the baby monitor. He's probably just moving in his sleep. I thought but was quickly mistaken.

"Mama? Dada?"

To be continued...


a/n - hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading! Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment what you think of the chapter :)

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