~first punishment~ chapter 11

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Third Person POV

"This is the kitchen, darling. If you're ever hungry or you need anything from here be sure to ask mama or daddy, ok?" Kingston asked Asher who was sat on his hip while they started their tour of the house, taking out the boys binkie in the process so that he could respond.

"Yes, dada. Ask first and Ashie be good boy?" Asher wondered aloud. All he wanted was to be good for his new parents. He wanted them to love him.

"Ashie baby, you'll always be our good boy. We love you so, so much." Kingston said softly to his boy, running his hand up and down his back to bring him some comfort. "There are a lot of sharp and dangerous things in the kitchen and I want to make sure you don't get hurt. No more ouchies right?" Asher gave a quick nod and King smiled in return.

"Now, over here we have the dining room," Kingston continued on with the tour. Going through the living room, laundry room, office, and home library within thirty minutes. During this time Asher stayed sat in his daddy's arms and took in his new home, absolutely baffled at how beautiful and spacious everything was. "and this is your playroom, sweet boy." Kingston continued, pushing through the door of the large room full of bright colors, soft material, and lots of toys.

Asher gasped as he looked around his new space. It was amazing. Everything he's ever wanted. The first thing he spotted was the slide, then the blocks, and the best part was the giant pile of stuffies in the corner. "Thank you so much, dada. Ashie love lots!" He exclaimed as he hugged Kingston tightly, small tears of joy forming in the corners of his eyes.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Why the tears?" King asked. He was overjoyed at the fact that Asher liked his new room but he didn't understand the new emotions.

"Weally happy, dada." Asher mumbled as he sniffled into King's shirt. "I's try swide, p'ease." He asked, looking up at King with small puppy dog eyes as his tears dried.

"Well with such a good boy like you how could I say no?" Asher preened at the praise and King walked him over to the platform of the slide, carefully placing him at the top. "Go ahead, baby." He said as he moved to the bottom so he could catch Asher. As he reached the end and was caught by Kingston he clapped and bounced up and down, a huge smile on his face and a string of giggles being released from him.

"Pway more, dada?" Asher asked as he looked up at Kingston.

"Of course, darling." King said.

An hour later, Kingston and Asher had a whole bucket of large blocks spread across the floor and multiple stuffed animals floating around. Asher was going to start building another structure but was interrupted when a big yawn passed his lips. He tried to play it off because he just didn't want to go to sleep yet. He wasn't used to good things and he didn't know if they would be taken away soon so he didn't want to stop having fun with his daddy.

"I think it's bedtime for certain little boy. What do you think, baby?" Kingston asked, catching the yawn and realizing it was getting rather late for Asher to still be up.

"Nu dada. I's still pwaying." Asher said as he continued.

"You'll play again soon, hun. Why don't we take a break now?" King offered but Asher still didn't like that idea. He shook his head furiously and continued stacking blocks so Kingston tried another approach. He really didn't want to take this route but it looked like the only other option. "Asher Knight, put your toys away now or you're getting five minutes in the corner." He said in a cold, stern voice. Asher needs to know that he doesn't always get what he wants.

Asher froze at the harsh tone but made no move to stop. He just stared at the blocks still resting in his hands. Kingston's eyes turned dark at the defiance and he quickly stood, picking Asher up in one swift movement causing a small whimper to escape the boy.

"Five minutes on the stool Asher. I expect you to stare at that wall and not to move until I come get you. Am I understood?" Asher didn't say anything as the situation was still sinking in. Daddy was mad at him. He really didn't mean to make him mad, he just didn't want the nice things to be taken away.

The only sound in the room for those long five minutes were Asher's sobs and the light clanking of plastic while Kingston put the toys away. It was heartbreaking to hear his sweet boy so upset but he didn't know why Asher was so adamant on continuing his playing. He didn't seem like the type of boy to purposely push buttons so King figured some timeout would set the situation straight.

When the five minutes were up Kingston immediately picked the boy up while Asher just held his head down. He didn't want to look at what he thought he was losing. In the short time in the corner he'd come out of his headspace and concluded that his new parents would throw him out. He'd been bad and they wouldn't love him anymore.

"Can you tell me what happened, baby boy?" King asked softly, a complete contrast from what Asher was expecting.

"D-didn't put the toys away, A-A-Alpha. I-I'm r-really sorry I-I just d-didn't know if you would g-give them b-back. I-I'm u-used to g-good things b-being taken a-away." Asher paused for a second to swallow down an upcoming sob. "B-but I u-understand if y-you want to get r-rid of me n-now o-or p-punish m-me, s-s-sir. I-I was b-bad and I-I d-d-deserve i-i-it." The sobs were too hard to hold back now so he just let them go, flinching harshly when Kingston brought his hand up to brush some loose hair away from his face.

"It's okay, darling. It's just fine. I'm not mad and I will never, ever kick you out. Oliver and I are your family now and that isn't going to change." Kingston stopped to collect his thoughts. "The only reason why I put you in the corner was because you needed to realize what you were doing and that was your only punishment you will get tonight. You're forgiven, sweet boy. I shouldn't have put you there in the first place. I should have talked to you first and tried to understand. You didn't deserve it and I'm so, so sorry for making you feel this way, baby. I never want you to feel unsafe or like you have to address me by Alpha or sir. If I am making you feel that way I need you to tell me. I need you to tell daddy." He bent down and gave Asher a tender kiss to the forehead. Kingston inhaled feeling entirely guilty. He never intended to make Asher feel like that. He felt terrible for hurting his precious boy.

"You still love me? I didn't mess this up?" Asher asks, slowly looking up. He was on the border of his headspace and just wanted to see his daddy again.

"You didn't mess anything up, darling boy." Kingston said as he got up with Asher in his arms and grabbed a fluffy blanket from the little basket near all the stuffies before wrapping the small boy up and pulling him back into his embrace. He rocked them back and forth, whispering quiet "I love you's" into Asher's hair in between soft head kisses. This process was continued until Asher stopped crying and he let out a yawn.

"Dada I's tired now." Asher admitted. He had fully slipped again and was feeling rather comfy in his daddy's arms.

"I bet sweet boy. Why don't we go find mama and you can come sleep in our room, hmm?" Kingston asked as he carefully got up. Asher gave a tiny nod in response, his eyes half closed. "You can go to sleep, baby. Daddy will get you to bed safely." He said softly as Asher's eyes fully closed. Kingston felt so lucky to have such a forgiving boy.

"Sweet dreams my lovely baby boy."


a/n - hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading! Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment what you think of the chapter :)

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