Thirty Five.

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Three Weeks Later


I didn't think I would be alive honestly. The Russian guards let me go the second after their leader said something in Russian. 

I went home that following morning but when I returned, everybody was unhappy. Lorenzo was pissed off at me which he shouldn't be because this isn't my fault, and Stefano's been busy nonstop.

Turns out that Ellie really turned herself into the Russian mafia. I don't know why but a part of me is relieved that I'm here and she's where she should be. I mean that means we can all stop worrying right?

I'm back in Italy now with Stefano. He's been brushing me off ever since I got back and he seems like he doesn't really want to talk to me. 

I got out of the shower and made my way into the training room to go check on Stefano. I opened the door and saw him going at it with the punching bag.

"Hey you okay there? Go easy, the punching bag might actually explode" I chuckled but he didn't show any emotion back. "Okay what the hell is going on what did I do?" I threw my hands in the air and Stefano looked at me and laughed sarcastically.

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact that your so called best friend is with the fucking mob that wanted her dead and now is capable of doing anything to her because of you? You could have easily told all of us what was happening and this could have easily been avoided but to you it was just a 'my way out' situation." Stefano grabbed a towel and pat himself dry with it and walked away from me.

Before he left, he turned his back and yelled out "Congratulations Tarra you saved yourself." 

I tried to talk back but I couldn't find  the right words to say. It's not my fault! What was I supposed to do take a bullet for her?! 

I stormed out of the gym and marched into my room to smoke a cig.


It's been three weeks. Almost a fucking month now. I called Fernando but when we spoke over the phone, he told me that after the Russians took Elliana, they lost all form of contact with him. I guess the Russians only used Fernando to get to Ell as well.

I was tapping my foot against the floor while I was sitting on my desk in my office waiting for someone to call or come into my office with some sort of news.

My phone went off and it was Fernando.

"Si que pasa" I asked in Spanish. (Yeah what is it?)

"Nada, pero (Nothing, but) you might want to check your email when you get the chance to. I have an update on Ellie and it doesn't sound the best. Or even look the best." I could here Fernando's voice a little worried so I hung up the phone and checked my email through my laptop.

When I checked what Fernando sent me, it was two photos and a video.

I clicked on the two photos and it was Ellie. She was locked in a cell with only a big grey t-shirt covering her whole body. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days and she had bruises and marks of all sorts on her body. 

The second photo was her face. It was taken when she was asleep in the cell but her face looked horrible. She was beautiful, but definitely not the same Ellie I knew. Her left cheek had a massive cut that looked clearly infected, she had dried blood on her chin, and she looked super blue.

My jaw clenched and before I knew it, I took the bottle of scotch from my table and slammed it onto the floor making a loud breaking sound.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE" I roared as loud as I could.

I got out of my seat and walked up to my wall and punched it creating a massive dent.

I quickly went back to my desk and swiped onto the video. It was a black screen so I clicked the play button and heard Ellie's voice.

"Please don't make me do this! He's suffered enough and you have me now can't you leave him be?!" Ellie's voice cracked as she sobbed loudly. 

My heart broke and I felt a tear fall from my eye onto my face. 

"Oh sweetheart, don't you understand?" I heard a Russian's voice. "This is how we do things around here my little sweet pea!" 

I heard a loud bang and Ellie whimper in pain and then the video ended. 

I gritted my teeth hard and couldn't help but let out a sob. My mother came in and immediately, my knees because week and I fell onto them. 

"Oh sweetheart... Come here." My mother pulled me into her arms and she ran her fingers through my hair as I just let it all out.

Why did this have to happen?

Why couldn't I protect her?

"Please" I sobbed. "Mom make it stop MAKE IT FUCKING STOP" I roared and continued to sob in my mom's arms.

"Shh sweetie it's okay. It's okay. You need to let her go okay" She cooed and tried to calm me down.

"I need to fight for her mom!" I yelled out.

"You're just going to end up hurting yourself my love you need to learn to let go. It was her decision and she chose her own path. You need to know that she was not forced to do it. I know it hurts my dear I know." My mom began to cry with me.

"I don't want to live like this if it hurts this bad everyday." I whimpered.

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