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I told the driver to take me out to the city or any place that's beautiful and he did. I was in a massive city surrounded by clubs, bars, city lights, and it just looked like a massive party town. I went to the first bar I saw and didn't get carded. Thank God.

"You come alone?" I heard a voice ask from the bar seat next to me. 

"Oh yeah, just needed a breather" I replied.

"You want to talk about it?" He asked.

I looked to my right and saw a guy who looked like he was in his twenties. He had blue eyes and brown hair and he had tattoos. A lot of them. He had a sharp jawline and I'm not going to lie he was hot. But he wasn't Enzo.

"Done examining me?" He said in his thick Italian accent.

I don't know why, but I'm glad Enzo doesn't have an accent. Italian accents aren't really my thing to be honest.

"Sorry, just lost in thought. I don't really feel like talking about it. And if I'm being honest I should probably just go home." 

I got up from my seat and out of the bar. I waited for cabs to come by so I could go home. 

"You know I never got your name" I heard the same guy from behind me. Okay this is getting a bit weird.

"I'm not interested, sorry" I replied back.

"Oh it wasn't a question Ell" 

What the fuck? 

I suddenly felt a pinch in my arm and looked down to see he had injected me with something.

"Who the hell are you people?" I mumbled before my vision went blurry.

"A traitor" He said.


"What the hell do you mean she isn't there?! Look further!" I slammed my phone onto my desk. I went outside of the house and drove to where Ellie was last seen at the bar. When I got there, she wasn't there but her phone was. 

"We looked everywhere she isn't there" Stefano came up behind me. 

"FUCKS SAKE" I roared. 

Where the hell did you go Elliana May Lightwood?


I woke up and felt myself in an uncomfortable position. My hands were tied down to a chair and the room I was in smelt like literal death.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

"Ahh so you're awake now" I heard a similar voice speak. I know that voice.

"My apologies for the uncomfortable place you're in Ellie. And the fake accent. And the different look. I don't know if you remember me-"

"Leo" I cut him off.

"So you do remember" He grinned.

"Leo what the hell and I doing here and why am I here?"

"Always such a curious cat hm?" 

I tried to wiggle out of my position but there was no point.

"Why??" I cried out.

"You see Elliana, when I saw the way Enzo looked at you, it made me furious. I wanted you all to myself and I did all of this so I could show you how much I love you and how much Lorenzo does not."

"You have no idea how Enzo feels about me"

"Oh but I do. I grew up with him Ellie. And whoever I liked, liked Enzo. Whoever liked me, liked Enzo when they saw him so now for a change it is MY TURN to get what I want" He roared making me jump.

"You can't force love Leo" I whimpered.

"No, but time can solve everything darling. Now, I betrayed Lorenzo by joining the Russian mafia BUT by that, I told them if you and I get married, there would be no killing you, but instead you would become one of us."

"You're one crazy b-"

"Ah ah ah I wouldn't"

"And why the hell not?"

"Well, while your friends? Were out looking for you, I managed to get Enzo and that little friend of yours Taylor?"


Leo untied my ankles from the chair and tugged on my arm towards the cells. I saw Enzo laying in one unconscious and Tarra in the corner with her knees to her head.

"Bee!!" I called out.

She turned her head up to me and her eyes widened.

"ELLIE" She ran up to the cell.

"Why the fuck are you doing this Leo? You know I will never love you"

"Oh I know. That's why I am giving you two options. I kill 'bee' over here, or little sleeping Enzo over there. Unless he's already dead of course."

"You sick bastard." He burst into laughter. 

"Now now, language Elliana May."

I clenched my fists and pulled on them at once releasing my hands. Son of a bitch. I slid my leg tripping him and I stomped on his face causing his head to explode.

"Ellie" Tarra's eyes were wide open. "Jesus I knew you hates people using your middle name but holy fuck I didn't know you were that gruesome" 

Yeah neither did I Tarra.

"Quick help me wake up Enzo. I took the keys out of Leo's pocket and unlocked the cell. I grabbed Enzo and shook him.

"ENZO" I shouted. I continued to shake him until he started to wake up. He groaned and when he opened his eyes, he jumped up. 

"Ellie you're okay" He hugged me.

"Yes yes I am but if we don't leave I think some angry Russians might do exactly what I did to Leo or even worse"

"What did you do to-" I pointed at Leo's head. Enzo's jaw dropped and his eyes were hella wide open. 

"Okay then Elliana Lightwood" We all got up from the cell and ran outside of the basement. We were able to leave the house quietly but there were a few guards outside the gate. Tarra shot two in the head and Enzo killed another. We stole one of the cars and Enzo drove us back home.

What. A. Fucking. Day.

Hello to you too Italy.

This chapter is pretty boring so I truly apologize for this one.. I'm not really motivated today to be honest, but I'll try my best to write more tomorrow and onwards !!!

I did change my username to Novaelle24 so I'm sorry if it confuses some other people !!

His and Her SaviourOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora