Twenty Five.

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"What happens now?" I pulled away from our kiss.

"Well.. Stefano takes over the mafia and I'll most likely have control over the American mafia with my mother. As for you, the Russians can't really do anything to take you once we get married so-"


Enzo cut himself off and froze.

"Continue?" I asked.

"No no no this wasn't how I wanted it to be." I chuckled at Enzo and grabbed his face.

"Enzo. Nothing in this world for me has been perfect. I have had the worst childhood after my mom died and seriously I wasn't even expecting anybody to like me let alone love me? love this?" I pointed at myself. "Nothing is meant to be perfect and if this is your way of proposing to me, than yes. Yes a million times Lorenzo De Luca because there is nobody in this world that I would rather be with that you." 

"I love you so much Elliana May Lightwood. I want you to spend the rest of your life with me by my side so hell we're doing it." Enzo picked me up and I burst into laughter.

"We should go back to the main room Enzo" I spoke as he put me down. 

He nodded and we both made our way back. I saw Nina and she gave me a wink. I smiled back at her and to my other side, I saw Tarra talking with Stefano. We approached them and Tarra gave me a concerned look.

"we heard guns go off are you guys okay?" Tarra asked.

"I am. I may or may not have shot Martin and killed him and now caused something making Stefano the new leader of the Italian mafia and Enzo the heir to the American mafia... Surprise?" I asked.

Tarra's jaw dropped and Stefano's eyes were wide open.

"Holy shit Ellie you are scary" Stefano picked me up and gave me a hug. Tarra joined in and congratulated me. 

The rest of the night, Tarra and I finished at least a bottle of tequila and I introduced her to Kile. It turns out, Kile was thrown out of his home because his parents didn't want him. When he was 17, Enzo found him in the alley ways of New York and had him train until now. He's been working as one of Enzo's guards since last week and he's been pretty good at it.

"I mean I guess you could say I am Enzo's best friend." Kile pretended to flip his hair. Tarra and I both laughed as we took one last shot of tequila. Yeah I should probably mention that I am not sober at all...

"Speaking of, where is Fernando?" I asked Kile.

"Oh yeah he's still in Spain taking care of the Spanish mafia. He couldn't make it tonight but the next ball that's being held is in Spain so we would probably see him there." I nodded and turned my head towards Enzo.

Enzo was talking to Nina about mafia things and I walked towards him.

"Well, I can see Ellie is pretty intoxicated." Nina chuckled at me. 

"Hiiii" I slurred to Enzo linking his arm.

"Oh dear... Come on" Enzo grabbed my waist and walked me out.

"Goodnight Nina!!!" I waved at her and she smiled back.

Tarra and Stefano went with Kile back home and I got into another car with Enzo.

"I told you not to drink that much Ell" Enzo scolded. 

"Hey cut me some slack it's my birthday!" I shouted.

"Well not anymore considering it's 2 in the morning. But happy belated birthday my love." I smiled at Enzo.


I didn't forget Ellie's birthday. She kind of got the hint that me proposing to her was her birthday gift and then minutes later she just passed out in the passenger seat.

The drive was silent but I kept thinking about how our wedding is going to look like. When is it going to happen? 

I got a little lost in thought. When we arrived at the house, I got out of the car and opened the door to Ellie's seat.

"Ell" I shook her slightly. She didn't move so I picked her up bridal style out of the car.

"I know you're awake Ellie" I saw her try to cover her smile. 

"I don't know what you're taking about I'm well asleep." She mumbled.

I shook my head an carried her up to our room and placed her down to the bed. I grabbed my hoodie from the closet and walked back to the bed. Ellie already slipped out of her dress and she was in her red bra and red underwear.

"Elliana Lightwood. You are indeed trouble." I shook my head as she smirked at me.

She threw the hoodie over her head and tucked herself into bed.

"Goodnight Ellie" I pecked her forehead.

"Goodnight Enzo" She whispered before drifting off to sleep.

His and Her SaviourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz