Twenty Three.

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Ellie fell asleep with her head on my thighs in the bathroom so I picked her up bridal style and tucker her into bed. I turned the lights off and shut the room door behind me.

"Hey we need you in the office." Stefano said in a worried tone.

I went into my office and Stefano told me that our father is holding a ball next week and we have to go to it.

"Yeah but what about Ellie? She still hasn't nailed her training yet" I scoffed.

"That's exactly why you're not bringing her. We have no idea what's going to happen whether our father's going to have a bomb ready to go or if it's going to turn into a shoot out so we can't bring Tarra or Ellie." I nodded at Stefano and closed up my files making my way up to my room.

"Enzo?" I heard Ellie call out in the dark. I could tell she had just woken up because her voice was a little bit croaky. Still hot.

"You're awake?" I asked.

"Well I just woke up from a-I, I had to pee" She stuttered.

"You can tell me" I got into bed and pulled her into my arms.

"It's the same thing over and over again and it's annoying me so I know it's annoying you" She sniffled.

"Ellie, whatever you're going through isn't going to go away overnight and everything that has happened to you was never supposed to happen to you so don't you dare say that it is annoying because to me, nothing about you is annoying and nothing about you is anything negative and if anything, you may not show it or even fight like it, but the fact that you went through all of what you did just proves that you are the strongest person that I have ever met and don't you ever forget that."

It was nice to get everything out of my chest.

"You can feel week at some times, but don't make it into a habit. Tell whatever it is to fuck off once in a while" I lastly whispered before giving her a peck on the forehead. I tucked my head onto her chest and she started playing with my hair.

"Goodnight Enzo" Ellie whispered half asleep.

"Goodnight tesoro" I whispered back giving her hand a kiss.

"I love you" She mumbled under her breath.

"I-I..." I couldn't.


The sun hit my eyes and I immediately pulled the covers over my face.

"Ugh" I groaned as I threw my right hand onto the empty spot next to mine.

"Ow" I heard someone grunt.

My eyes shot open and I jumped up.

"ENZO" I yelped.

"Correct and again, ow" He spoke. His morning voice was so fucking attractive. Oh my Lord.

"What are you doing still in bed? Don't you have work?"

"No not today. I do have a ball to go to tonight so I will be sleeping until then." He rolled over and grabbed my waist pulling me back into bed. His arms were around my neck and my legs were tangled with his.

"Ooo a ball when are we going?" I asked poking his chest.

"I, am going tonight at around 10" He replied.

"Why can't it be we?"

"My dad's hosting it and I cannot risk you or Tarra's well being so you two will be staying here." I groaned in response.

I pushed out of his grip and walked into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. After I was done, I walked into the closet and got into a pair of Nike shorts and a grey long sleeve crop top. I put my hair into two dutch braids and made my way downstairs to the gym.

"Hey you're up early it's only 8" Tarra said as I started stretching.

"Yeah well the De Luca's decided to go to a ball without us and I am pretty pissed about it so I am going to take my anger out on some punching bags and pretend that I am throwing knives at my dad" I said proudly making my way to the knives.

I picked up four blades and threw them across the room and they all landed in the center. I walked over to the other three aisles and landed all twelve blades in the middle not missing one single target.

I spent about three hours punching and working out until other trainers started coming in. This one guy had ice blonde hair and bright green eyes. I was about to do a few lifts when he came up to me.

"Wanna spar?" He asked. I could tell by his tone he thought he would have an easy time taking me down so I nudged at the the ring and entered it challenging him.

I glared at him and he gave me a smirk and a wink.

"I'll go easy on you babe" He flirted.

He reached for my shoulder and I quickly gave him an upper cut making him fall. He picked himself up and looked pissed now. He kicked my side making me grunt but when he tried the second time, I grabbed his leg, turned it, and kicked his balls.

"OW" He shouted as he fell onto the floor. I gave him another kick in the stomach and leaned down grabbing his left cheek.

"Don't be such a pussy" I winked at him as I left the ring and grabbed a water bottle.

"Okay you couldn't even do that yesterday what changed?" Tarra asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and as I put my water down, I heard footsteps approach me from behind.

"You're good Elliana" The guy I sparred spoke. He didn't have an accent but his voice was deep. He had one tattoo formed from his neck and below but I couldn't see what it was because he had a white tank top on.

"Thanks buddy" I mumbled.

"Kile, Kile Scott" I nodded at him.

"Bitch I talked Stefano into letting us go to the ball so come on!!" Tarra yanked my arm and dragged me out of the gym.

"I'll see you tonight Elliana" Kile shouted.

I gave him a wave as I was pulled away from the gym.

God I have to go to a what now tonight?



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