Chapter 22

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The room was left with silence. No words were spoken from both of them, only small glances. She looked at his eyes, uncomfortable that he dismissed her question. His hands were now by his side, away from her reach. His features grew more uncomfortable by the second. She looked at him and he slowly drifted into a deep daydream. His gaze shifted away from her, to an object in the room. He looked deep in thought. She watched his facial expressions change, he looked concerned, scared and angry.

"Did I say anything wrong?" Y/n asked in a concerned tone.

His gaze broke immediately, he soon looked into her eyes "No, No it's just..." he replied 

"Just what? Is there something your hiding from me?" Y/n questioned in a worried tone.

"Listen, me turning you into a vampire, would cause more harm than good," Alucard responded, becoming more irritated.

"Harm? Do you realise what this could mean for us?" Y/n questioned becoming angrier.

"I know, but its something you will enjoy in the beginning. Later you will look upon it as more of a curse." Alucard spoke, calming down. 

Shocked by his response, she remained silent. She looked at him and started to realise what he was saying somewhat made sense. 

"Living forever, won't make you happy. You will have to watch a lot of people you love die. Sypha. Trevor." Alucard spoke on

"What about me?" Y/n questioned

Alucard looked at her with a confused expression.

"You would have to watch me die then. Is that what you want," she questioned as a tear slipped down from her eye. 

This time her response shocked him. He remained silent, thinking of a way to respond to such a claim. Both of them had different perspectives, different ways of caring for one another. Their love for one another was so strong, they are both willing to sacrifice one's happiness to make the other happy. 

sorry guys for not updating for a while. tbh my mental health has just been shit. ive been going through so much shit at home and everything kinda sucks, which makes everything I do very draining. family hasn't been very supportive, and doesn't really care bout how I'm feeling. here have something ive been writing.

You don't know anything about me.

You don't realise how badly I hurt because of you.

You make me cry; you make it hard for me to open up.

I hate you.

I thought fate had other plans for us.

I could take betrayal from anyone.

But not from you.

God, I wish you weren't my sister.

You victimise yourself and blame everyone else except yourself.

You have everything handed to you on a silver platter.

More like a gold platter.

You get angry at her when she has done no wrong to you.

You accept her gifts, laced with your fake smile.

You complain, hate, and despise her.

Yet she gifts you wish expensive gifts.

God, I wish you weren't my sister.

ok guys, tbh I'm not gonna lie and say ill update soon. imma be updating when my mental health gets better. i love yall and appreciate all the sweet kind messages. thank you for coming this far and reading!! 

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