Chapter 20

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'Life is filled with nothing but unhappiness and sorrow.'

Sighing and closing the pages of the completed novel, her heart was filled with nothing but pain. As she reread the last couple of pages for the fourth time, she felt a pang of longing in her heart for the sweet comfort of what the lovers in the story had. Her heart sank as her mind replayed the two lovers' depressing love story which left her feeling nothing but emptiness. What was the point of reality? Why was it so cruel to someone like her?

She shifted her gaze away from the enthralling novel and towards the lovely wheat garden beyond her window. She lifted her hand and placed it on the window, longing to go outside. As her eyes traced the scenery like a drawing through the window, she yearned for the sweet scent of the flowers that laid ahead. She shifted her gaze to the side and took up her sketchbook and pencil.

She took a deep breath in and out, closed her eyes, and let her pencil work its magic. Her pencil danced across the page for hours, keeping her occupied from the sadness that filled her heart. Her hand came to a halt abruptly, and her eyes slowly opened as she gazed in awe at her creation. What lovely flowers they were, and what beauty they held. She was taken aback that such beauty could come from someone like her.

Her heart began to beat erratically. Why was she like this when her eyes and hands were so full of life and talent? Why did she feel like her life was meaningless, and that even her minor talents had no place in this cruel world?

She shifted her weight to the other side and took up the small mirror that was destined to increase her insecurities. As her gaze became more intensely focused on her flaws, her eyes wandered around. Nothing could persuade her that she was beautiful; all her mind knew was flaws. The man in the novel wouldn't even want her, she wasn't worth looking at, not worth the subtle gazes he gave to the woman in the book. What made her think she worth anyone's time?

Her thoughts continued to wander and she questioned them, she was meaningless. Her grip on the mirror became increasingly tight as her rage overtook her. Why would anyone want her if he didn't even want the woman at the end of the novel? Her body was taken over by violence, and her mirror was shattered all over the floor.

She wasn't surprised because this had happened so many times before. There was nothing but temptation in front of her. As her hand picked up a shard of broken glass, it drew her in. Wouldn't it be simple to put an end to this misery? The glass held the key to unlocking the answer to all of her problems. She looked at the glass and then at her wrist, the same hand that was filled with simple talent. As she prepared herself for the end of pain and suffering, she felt her head begin to ache, her heart began to beat faster, her hands began to cramp, and her eyes began to water. She looked down at her wrist, perplexed; there was nothing there. Why was she in pain when nothing had happened yet? As her vision blurred, she dropped the shard to the floor. Her heart began to race, and her breathing became more rapid.

She gasped for air, but nothing came out of her mouth. She thought she was going to die. She collapsed to the floor, suffocating, and looked to her wrist, which now began to bleed, her vision began to fade, and the last thing on her mind was him. Her eyes closed and her heart stopped beating as she called his name.

She awoke in a strange chair, with her hands tied behind her back. She looked around, trying to find a way out. Suddenly, she heard the door open, and a man entered. Her breath quickened once more as her gaze returned to the man who had abandoned her. He smirked as he approached her, holding only a knife and a piece of cloth in his hands.

"What are you going to do to me?" she then spoke.

"It's funny, isn't it?" he remarked as he ignored her question, before walking to the back, the man she feared the most looked at her again.

"Your eyes are nothing but beautiful; it's a shame no one can see them," he said as he wrapped the blindfold around her eyes.

As he took out the knife, he walked back to face her.

"Those hands, they'd be lovely with a few cuts and scars." He spoke

Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach as she began to sweat.

"Now, don't be afraid. Allow the games to begin "he mocked

"NOOOOO!!" Y/n yelled

Alucard immediately shot up from his sleep, and turned to her side. He wrapped his arms around her and comforted her.

"Shh shh, its just a dream." he spoke soothingly 

Y/n stayed wrapped around his arms, fully knowing....that was not a dream.

Instead of speaking up and telling him the truth.... she remained silent.

Hey guys super sorry about the SUPER late update. I literally have been trying to find the saved document of the 'nightmare' element in my word documents...... WELL I DIDNT FIND IT SO I REWROTE IT. Updates will be back to normal (sorry i have said that so many times and literally never update) THIS TIME I WILL SURELY TRY

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