Chapter 9

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In the early hours of the morning, the exact same day of the heartbroken confession, y/n was planning to leave. She was angry, angry that he compared her to such horrible people even though she had been nothing but kind to him. She felt betrayed, she help him, comforted him and took care of him. She hated the idea that he called her a liar, she hated herself more for entering the castle.

I should have let those people torture me and kill me. This fate is worse than death. 

Thinking by her emotions rather than her mind led her to pack up all her belongings so she could run away. She was mad at Alucard, she hoped he would hurt more because she was gone. She prayed he would feel the exact pain that she is feeling at the very moment. She left a note for Alucard on the floor in front of his bedroom door. The note read.

Thank you for what you have done for me. Thank you for trusting me and opening up to me. I will treasure the great memories that we shared together but, I cannot stay anymore if you view me the way that you do. Just know that I would never hurt you and that I will always love you.

Yours truly


While writing this note, a tear fell from her eye. She was not sure if what she was doing was right. She stuck with her decision though and left the note by his door and left. She went into her room and shut the door, she used old rags in the closet and ties them together. When she did this she made a long trail and threw them out the window after tying one end to a strong drawer. She quietly went out of the window and made it down safely.

In the early hours of the morning, in the dark she ran though the woods and found herself at a big apple tree. The plan was for her to stay under that apple tree until daylight, and then continue her way off into another town. She would not go back to Alucard and she would not go back into her past town. She was to start a new life, once again by herself without a man or a woman to keep her happy. In this world the only people you can trust was yourself. Y/n sat under the apple tree for awhile thinking of the memories she shared with Alucard. She misses the time when Trevor and Sypha were with them at the castle, nothing but happy memories. Sypha and Trevor staying with them she thought were the only time she saw him truly happy. She though of the many scenarios that would happen once Alucard read her letter, she came up with three.

1. Read her letter, and be happy she was gone.

2. Read her letter, and be heartbroken that she was gone and go out looking for her.

3. Read her letter, and call Sypha and Trevor to go find her.

Y/n thought number 1 would happen in the morning. She pondered on this thought but suddenly she heard something in the bushes. She kept quiet and stayed still, trying to not make noise. Suddenly an ambush of people came out. They tackled her, tied her up and took her into a carriage and rode away.

"Finally we found that witch."

"Stupid slut thought she could get away."

"Now we can watch this bitch die."

She recognised those horrible voices. The voices of the towns people who were chasing her before she met Alucard. Now she will really die. At this current moment she thought of how selfish she was when before she wrote the letter to Alucard. She was mortified at herself for wanting him to feel pain because he didn't feel the way she did for him. She thought of how selfish she was and wished he would wake up the next morning so he could find her. Even if he saved her, she would not want to burden him so she would leave. Leave him to be alone and to find someone else that could make him laugh and smile. Someone else could make him happy, he, she or they could waltz in and make laugh. Sitting in the carriage the only thing she could think of was Alucard.

Please save me Alucard she thought 


ok maybe i have been listening to that song for way to long. i literally relate to that song so much so i decided to make this chapter kinda like it i guess. idk this story is literally a flop i think. all i know is that imma keep going for alucard cause i love him. thank you for coming this far :)

pls if i don't update in a while pls message me on wattpad and tell me to update cause you guys motivate me :)

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