Chapter 8

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Just do it tell him!!

"Alucard wait I need to tell you something." y/n spoke

" What is it?" he asked

"I-I lik-ke" y/n stuttered

"Well spit it out." He spoke impatiently

"I LIKE YOU" Y/n screamed

"No. No you don't. It's out of pity." He spoke

"No you're really wrong. I like you even maybe love you. I was holding back all this time and I just want you to let me love you." y/n confessed

Alucard let go of his grip on y/n and looked at her.

" Your lying to me just like Taka and Sumi. You will betray me and leave me once your bored. You're all the same" Alucard yelled

" No I wont. Please stop pushing me away. Even if you don't like me at least acknowledge my feeling, like I to you." y/n spoke

" You are nothing but a liar." He spat

Y/n shocked by his cold-hearted response pushed him and stood up with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"You don't plan on killing me on your stay right Y/n? That's what you said to me the day I came here. That's what you wished I wouldn't do to you and I have not done that to you. You are the one killing me." Y/n yelled

"I know you feel the same way I do. You even said you wanted to keep me locked away with you while I was sick. We even slept next to each, holding one another. Stop lying to me." y/n sobbed

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel the same way I do for you." y/n continued to cry

"I-I don't like you." Alucard spoke without looking at her.

"You can't even look me in the eyes Alucard." Y/n spoke calmly

"Even if I did I could never make you happy." He spoke coldly

"You have made me happy. Being in the same room talking to you makes me happy" Y/n argued

"Well I'm leaving now and you should leave as well. Goodnight Y/n. Sorry for bothering you." Alucard spoke

"No wait please." y/n pleaded hugging him from the back

Both stayed like that for a little while before he broke away. He walked to the door and spoke facing away from her.

"You fell for a cold hearted cowedly broken man y/n" he spoke

He left the room and went into his room, shutting the door and falling to the ground, listening to her sobs.

She will be happier without me

He stayed on the ground listening to her heartbreaking sobs, leaving him to break down crying.

"I'm such an idiot." He said

Y/n in the other room crying, wishing she had never opened up because of his state. How selfish she thought she was.

"I'm such as idiot." She said

The only noises were the sound of rain and two heartbroken souls broken and confused. 



ok i'll stop.

im sad so sad chapter

Thank you for coming this far :)

Pain (Literally only thing I could come up with )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora