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Naruko pov

"There. Be still..." Tobirama said as he tried to calm his horse down. "Sorry. She normally isn't like that." Tobirama said as he holds his horse. "It's ok. I hope I'll not fall..." I said holding the saddle. "Josephine. Calm down." Tobirama said. "So, it's a girl?" I ask. "Yea, she is." Tobirama said.

"Something you men trust women." I jocked. "Hey!" I just laughed. Josephine soon stood up with her leg and began to run! "Josephine!" Tobirama shouted.


Josephine soon stopped. " *Sigh* How does Tobirama even sit on you?" I ask. I just looked around when I saw a hand and the cape all over his or her body. 'Can it be?' I thought and looked shocked at Josephine. I walked off the saddle and walked close to the person. "Excuse me? Are you ok?" I ask.

The person who just grabbed my neck made me lay on the ground! Josephine just ran away! "I will not let you become the empress!" I was stunned to hear a familiar voice. The cape soon fall and I could tell who the person is. "Sakura?! What are you doing here?!" I ask. "You made me lose the status! You made me go to prison! You made my parents die! And I will make you lose your life! And I don't care if you are Messiah!" Sakura shouted.

"Who told you that your parents died? They just lost status to be noble so they are civilian." I said. "Stil! And I don't think you saying the truth! Just die!" Sakura shouted and with her grip on my neck, she squeezed my neck. That was impossible to breathe. Maybe in five seconds more, I could die. But heard horses and felt Sakura's grip let me go. "Let me go! Let me go!" Heard Sakura shout. I felt someone lifting me to sit. "You alright?" Heard Sasuke asking. I just nodded.


Tobirama pov

"Calm down, she will not disappear like your mother," Tajima said. "Watch what you saying!" I said. As he wanted to say something, we heard horses. To me came Josephine. Soon prince Sasuke came down from his horses and helped Naruko come down. "Soon will go to Imperial palace," I whisper to Naruko we walked to the tent. She just nodded. "Let me go!" Heard Sakura's voice. But I just ignored it. 'If she wants to Imperial palace, she will, but in the jail before coming to the greatest prison...' I thought.


Naruko pov

"Ow!" I whined. "Sorry... Does it hurt?" Tobirama ask. "It's ok. It's a bruise, so it will heal for itself later." I said as I coved my neck. "I see," Tobirama said as he laid my head on his shoulder. I just smiled.

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