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Naruko pov

'A month been, and I don't know what to do....' I thought as I walked around the hallway, but bumped at someone. And I fell. 'When will I stop bumping at someone?!' I thought. "You alright m'lady?" A male voice asks. "Yes yes, I'm fine..." I said. "Here let me help you." A male voice said. I looked up to see a man at the same age as Tobirama, raven hair with a ponytail. And black eyes too. "Thanks," I said as I gave my hand. As I just stood up, a man wrapped his hand around my waist that made our face close! "May I know what family are you coming from?" He said. "Izuna Uchiha! Too much hunting or what?!" Tobirama ask. "Oh? Are you cheating on your empress? If you care of this beauty?" Man asks. "I'm not cheating I'm not married. I only care about her because she s Messiah." Tobirama said.

"Um... I knew that. I wasn't seducing her." The man said as he fastly let me go and maybe about 10 meters away from us. 'That was fast.....' I thought. "Izuna Uchiha. He is prince and brother to the king named Madara Uchiha." Tobirama said. "Hi..." Izuna said. "King?" I ask. "Yea, we live in the capital, so in this country, we have other cities there have kings," Tobirama explained. "I see..." I said.

Imperial garden

"So Kaguya send us the Messiah we waited," Madara said. "Y-y-yea, as you see," I said. "I have to do, Sasuke, please be here." Man with lines on his face said. "Let's go," Madara said. "Sasuke I think?" I ask. "Yea, Sasuke Uchiha," He said. "That man who told you to b here?" I ask. "Ah, that's my brother. Itachi Uchiha." Sasuke said. "Noble or?" I ask. "I'm cousin with Madara Uchiha. So I'm noble and prince of the royal family at the same time." He said. "I see...." I said. "Some rumors have walked from city to city. That you chose imperial family." Sasuke said as he sat beside me. "Yea, I got new friends here. So that's why I chose to be here...." I said. "I see." He said.

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