Chapter 60 The End

Start from the beginning

Issac checked the time and cussed, Allegra would be very mad at him.
"Don't worry, she won't hate you for being late." Catherine said while giggling.
He frowned, Allegra, much like himself, was very strict on being punctual and because of the trip to the doctor, they were now late to pick their kids up.
At the palace door stood Sonny and Allegra, Sonny beamed when he saw them. Sonny immediately rushed into Catherine's arms.
"Momma's boy." Issac muttered, but gulped when he saw his little two year old girl standing at the door with crossed arms and a frown with pouty lips.
He slowly made his way to her and kneeled in front of her.
"Hey my little Lotus." Allegra whipped her head to the side with her nose in the air. "I know I'm late to pick you up, but I promise I have a good reason." She still didn't budge.
"I'll tell you why at home, please Lotus forgive me? Pretty please?" Still nothing.
"Now you learned something valuable Allegra, you need to appreciate punctuality." Allegra looked at him, soaking up the new lesson and she smiled.
She immediately jumped into his arms and kissed him all over his face and hugged his neck.
"I missed you Daddy!"
In the back Julian made a whipping motion and Issac rolled his eyes.
Yes, he was very much aware that his daughter had him wrapped around her little finger.

"So, we have some news to tell you two." Catherine announced after they ate dinner and cleaned up.
Issac smiled at her and held her stomach.
"I'm having a baby, you two are going to have another brother or sister."
Both of them wore a million watt smile with eyes that shined with wonder.
"Oeh can we decorate the baby's room?" Sonny asked and she agreed. "Of coarse you two can." They immediately started to plan how the baby's room was going to be. She let them go crazy while she admired them. She loved them so much. Issac kissed the nape of her neck.
"I can't wait to meet our baby."
She smiled and kisses his cheek, "Me neither, you think we'll get a boy?"
"Mmmm, no I think it'll be a girl." She giggled, she feared if she has another daughter it will be a daddy's girl, just like Allegra.

A few months later

"Just stay calm Catherine." Julian urged and Catherine growled, "Does it look like I can be calm!" and then she yelled out in pain again.
Issac busted into the room, "Flower, do you need anything? What can I do? Oh goddess Allegra was so much easier to deliver." Issac mumbled. He was in such a panicked state that it made her calm. "I'm fine my Darling, just be here." Issac was immediately next to her and held her hand while his other hand rested on her stomach.
Catherine yelled again and the doctor came in. "Right, Catherine you are ready push on my count."
This was it!
Catherine yelled as another contraction hit her and the doctor yelled to push.
Issac kept whispering soft words of confidence in her ear.
Tears went down her eyes, "Push Catherine!" The doctor yelled and she saw in the corner of her eye that Issac moved to catch their baby. They decided to not know the gender of the baby.
"Push Flower, I'm right here." Issac said and she gave one final push.

"She's so tiny." Sonny whispered with wonder as Tallulah laid in Catherine's arms soundly asleep with her thumb in her mouth. Allegra was next to Sonny, her eyes just as big while she looked at her new sister.
"Hold her hand sweety."
Catherine took her hand and leaded it to Tallulah who grabbed onto Allegra's pinky.
Allegra gasped, Catherine could see that she was holding back her excitement to jump up and down.

Issac watched Sonny, Allegra, Tallulah and his mate, his beautiful Flower, Catherine and he thanked the Goddess above for blessing him with such a wonderful family.


Baby Tallulah joining the family

Baby Tallulah joining the family

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The end

I want to thank everyone so much for supporting me through this book and I really enjoyed writing it so much!

Tell me what you guys enjoyed the most about this story?
Or maybe what you would change?

Is there a side character that you would like n short spinoff story?

Thank you again everyone!

Next up will be Elliot's (Catherine's brother, twin to Elijah) story.
I'll be posting in this book when Elliot story will be up, I might post Xavier's story up at the same time, depending on how the writing goes.
But first I need to finish Aurora and Dorothy's story.

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