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The next day, Grace was sitting next to Meredith on the bed

"Mommy, when can you get out of here?" Grace asked quietly

"Soon, baby. I promise" Meredith held onto Grace's hand "Are you having fun with Alex?" She asked

"Yeah" Grace sighed "We played catch yesterday"

"Sounds nice" Meredith smiled softly. She knew her daughter would need some time to get over all of this. They both got started when someone knocked on the door. Grace quickly started hiding behind Meredith which caused her to wince a bit as her daughter held onto her tightly

"Mer, Grace?" They recognised Alex' voice

"Gracie, it's okay" Meredith softly rubbed Grace's back with her good arm

"Alex!" Grace smiled

"Hi guys. Mer, how are you doing?" Alex asked

"We're okay" Meredith nodded even if the fear in her eyes gave away that she was trying to keep strong

"I need to use the bathroom" Grace whispered

"Go baby" Meredith assured her daughter it was okay

"Mommy help?" Grace asked quietly

"I'll help you. Mommy needs to rest a bit more" Alex softly said before reaching out to grab her hand

Grace nodded and let Alex help her. He waited outside of the bathroom as the little girl was doing her business

"Did anyone see him yet?" Meredith asked concerned

"Richard gave him the time off with as excuse he should help you" Alex quietly said so Grace wouldn't hear

"Meredith?" Derek knocked as he walked in

"Derek" She greeted him back

"Can I do a neuro exam? Just to be sure" Derek walked closer

"Y-Yeah" Meredith looked in her lap

"I won't hurt you" Derek softly announced as he used his penlight

"Mommy!" Grace yelled hysterically as she walked back into the room

"Shh, it's okay. Derek is just examining me, baby" Meredith assured her daughter. She tried to help her daughter back on the bed but winced in pain as her shoulder was still killing her

"I'll help" Alex quickly helped Grace on the bed

"Sorry" She apologised towards Derek

"It's okay" He smiled softly "Grace, would you like to help me?"

"Can I?" She asked her mother

"Of course" Meredith smiled softly

Derek gently showed Grace what she had to do. He explained everything very carefully and Meredith smiled as she saw how much everyone cared about her daughter. Alex had already suggested the two of them would live with him as long as needed. She didn't know if she wanted to go to the police or if she should leave it like this for now

"Mommy, you have a headache?" Grace giggled as she helped Derek

"A bit" Meredith softly said a she didn't want to worry her daughter

"Okay Meredith, that will be it for now" Derek smiled softly

"Thanks" Meredith nodded softly as she saw Addison. Internally she was freaking out, the redhead surgeon had seen her in her most vulnerable state a few years ago

"I'm sorry Meredith" Addison said as she showed Meredith her deadborn baby

"She's beautiful" Meredith's voice cracked

"Did you have a name in mind?" Addison asked softly as Meredith was stroking her baby's cheek. Another doctor was closing her stomach

"I- I had but Matt.. He didn't like the name" Meredith sighed

"Would you like to tell me?" Addison asked gently

"It sounds so stupid now.." Meredith teared up

"It's okay" Addison assured the younger woman laying on the table

"Hope" Meredith's voice cracked

"Hope" Addison echoed "That's beautiful"

"Alex, no!" Grace yelled and woke up Meredith who groaned as her head was hurting due to the concussion

"Grace, would you like some dinner?" Alex asked as he saw Addison wanted to enter the room "Mer, is it okay if I take her so she can choose something?"

"Of course" Meredith nodded but didn't look away from Addison

"Hi Meredith, can I come in?" Addison asked softly and smiled as Meredith nodded in response

"I'll bring ice cream!" Grace said as she planted a kiss on her mother's cheek "Strawberry ice cream!"

"That's good, baby. Be good for Alex" Meredith reminded the little girl and smiled as her daughter nodded firmly

"Can I take a seat?" Addison asked

"Yeah" Meredith breathed

"I'm sorry Meredith" The redhead apologised

"I deserved it" Meredith sighed

"No, you didn't" Addison firmly said

"Everything with Hope.. I- Oh my" Meredith's voice cracked as she bursted out in clench wracking sobs

"Meredith, that wasn't your fault. You could never have seen that aggressive patient coming, no one of us saw it happening" Addison carefully grabbed Meredith's uninjured hand but Meredith quickly pulled away "Shh, it's okay. I promise I won't hurt you, we're all here to help" Addison softly assured her and reached out again

Addison waited and smiled when Meredith carefully grabbed Addison's hand back in hers

"He said I shouldn't have been there. I should have been at home" Meredith bluntly said

"It could have happened in the store too, it could have happened everywhere, Meredith" Addison tried to calm down the younger woman

"I am an awful mother. I killed my daughter and I messed up my other daughter" Meredith blamed herself even more

"You are not. Grace is a wonderful four year old. She cares about you, she loves you" Addison softly rubbed Meredith's hand "She'll need some help but that's because of him, not you" Addison tried to assure the younger woman again

"I married him.." She whispered

"You could have never imagined he would be like this. You wouldn't have married him if you knew from the start" Addison softly explained

"I'm so proud of Grace. She's everything to me. If I wouldn't have had her I-" Meredith started but stopped herself on time

"We'll help you out of it, Meredith. We're all here to get you out of that situation" Addison assured

"Do you think I should go to the police?" Meredith asked

"As a doctor, yes. As a human being, I can't say. You're scared and you have all right to feel this way. Just know we all have your back. Me, Derek, Alex, Richard.." Addison explained "Okay?"

"Thank you" Meredith nodded as some tears escaped her eyes

"Always" Addison assured her

AN // posted a new oneshot yesterday 'Always looked on the bright side of life' and i updated slipping through my fingers earlier today! Hope you all enjoy :)

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