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Meredith heard someone walking through the door and stiffened up, immediately shielding her daughter

"Mer? Grace?" They recognised Alex' voice

"Alex!" Grace yelled

"What happened?" He gasped as he saw Meredith laying on the ground, covered in blood and a painful expression on her face. He kneeled down next to her and put his hand on her thigh

"I-I fell" She whispered, he knew it wasn't true but didn't wanna ask more for now.

"Can you sit up?" Alex asked

"No" She had to fight back tears

"Okay, okay" He nodded "Grace, can you show me where mommy keeps the towels?" Alex asked and the little girl nodded and grabbed his hand

"Mommy's bathroom is here" Grace led Alex into the bathroom. Alex pulled open some closets and saw the amounts of pills, bandages, suturekit,.. he knew something was wrong "Alex?" Grace pulled him out of those thoughts

"What's wrong?" Alex asked her

"Daddy did this to mommy" Grace whispered

"What did he do?" Alex frowned

"He slapped mommy and then he sended me upstairs" She quietly explained

"Let's go back downstairs" He nodded and grabbed a few towels

"Mommy, are you okay?" Grace asked

"It's okay, I'm okay. Mommy isn't hurt badly, I'll be fine" Meredith tried to assure her daughter as Alex placed a towel underneath her head and placed one over her chest

"I'll have to call an ambulance" He sighed

"N-No!" Meredith protested

"Mer, I'm very sure that your leg is broken" Alex sighed

"Can't go to Seattle Grace" Meredith shook her head

"I know, I know" Alex sighed "What about Seattle Presbyterian?" He suggested

"T-They're not a trauma center" She frowned

"No but they can take scans" He sighed and Meredith nodded in response

Alex called for an ambulance as he kept holding Grace's hand. It didn't take long before they showed up. Alex had asked Grace to put on her shoes and jacket while he and the ambulance men started to immobilize Meredith

"I think her left shoulder and left leg are broken. That right hand needs to be stitched up" The paramedic said and grabbed Meredith's hand to start an IV but she flinched which made her groan in pain

"Can you warn her?" Alex asked as he took over from him "Let me"

As they prepped Meredith, Alex lifted up Grace and carried her on his hip to the ambulance. They took a seat as Grace played with Meredith's hair until they arrived at Seattle Presbyterian

"Female, 36 years old, possible left shoulder fracture, possible broken left leg, deep cuts in her right hand and possible spinal cord injury" The paramedic told the doctors who slowly started wheeling her inside "She flinches quickly" He told one of the doctors

Alex and Grace slowly followed until a nurse led them to the waiting room where Alex tried to entertain her for a while

"Alex, I wanna see mommy" Grace whispered

"I know you wanna see her but the doctors have to check her out first. I promise we'll go see her the second we can" Alex nodded

"Why did daddy do this?" Grace asked with dull eyes

"I don't know, Grace" He sighed

"Daddy is mean" Grace was stating with a lot of anger in her voice

"Shh, let's not think about that too much. Let's wait to see mommy" Alex suggested 'Why don't you try to close your eyes? I'll stay with you"

"Kay" Grace sighed and rested her head on Alex' chest


Alex had been sitting there for way too long. His butt really started to hurt from the uncomfortable chair and hoped to get an update on Meredith soon

"Familie of Meredith Grey?" Some doctor announced in the room

Alex stood up and adjusted Grace in his arms and walked towards the doctor "That will be us" He said

"Good day sir. I am sorry, she's in a pretty bad condition, her left shoulder was badly bruised from before, is there any reason why?" She asked him with a stern face

"Her husband.." He sighed "But can we not talk about it with her daughter around? I'll take them to my home and he won't get a chance to ever touch her again" Alex assured the nurse

"Her left shoulder is broken, same for her left leg. We placed her leg in a cast from thigh to toe. We stitched up her right hand, that were some deep cuts" The doctor sighed

"Any risks for nerve damage? She's a surgeon" Alex asked

"No, she'll make a full recovery" The doctor told her

"What about her back?" He asked concerned

"Badly badly bruised and she'll be sore for a while but no damage, luckily" The doctor smiled softly

"Thanks a lot!" Alex smiled "Can we go see her?"

"Of course, follow me please" The doctor led them to Meredith's room

"Oh my-" Alex muttered as he saw Meredith laying in the big hospital bed. He put his hand on Meredith's good thigh and squeezed it carefully "Grace is here, Mer"

She then opened her eyes slowly

"Can you put her down?" Meredith asked. Her face now filled with bruises, her left leg in a cast, her left arm taped and in a sling, her right hand bandaged, the bruises on her right leg visible

Alex gently laid Grace down next to Meredith on her right side. He watched the little girl unconsciously cuddle into her mother's side

"Tell me if she's hurting you" Alex hoovered

"She could never" Meredith whispered as her eyes started to droop

"Close your eyes, I'm here and no one will hurt the two of you"


Alex was sitting in Meredith's room, Grace and Meredith were both awake. The little girl was buried in Meredith's side, clearly being scared after everything that had happened

"Mommy?" She finally spoke up

"Yes baby?"

"Why did daddy hurt you?" Grace looked up into Meredith's eyes

"Daddy was just angry. He has a lot of stress and mommy just.. Daddy didn't mean it" Meredith whispered

"But you're hurt" She frowned "You're in the hospibable"

"It's just for a bit, honey" Meredith explained

"Are we going back to daddy tonight?" Grace asked

"No, we have to stay here tonight" She sighed

"What about tomorrow?" Grace frowned

"We'll see baby when they discharge me" Meredith tried to calm down her daughter

Of course Meredith knew that Matt had gone too far, he couldn't do this while their daughter was in the room and Meredith would do everything she could to protect her daughter but she also knew that Matt would make her life a living hell if she tried to leave him, not to mention he should ask for custody and she just couldn't send her daughter to them without supervision but no one would believe her. He had said that enough over the past, no one would believe a word of what she was saying

AN // I'm sorry, this will be the only update today. I have had an awful headache since Monday that doesn't pass so I could only update pre written stories

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