Chapter 24: Unanswered

Start from the beginning

Soon I checked the time realizing that we had to get inside and to our classes, I hugged Lukas and Dream and ran towards the doors off the school.

There was one thing I noticed though, as we approached the school I looked back to wave Lukas and caught a glare that seemed to be aimed at Dream.

It confused me.

I couldn't think of one single reason Lukas why he would glare at Dream.

This thought was being processed all throughout my morning classes. By the time lunch rolled around, I had given up and left the subject be.

Since this week was the last week of school before the Christmas holidays most of my friends were busy finishing things up, so they had less to do during the break. I had finished most of my work and I didn't mind doing it during the break, I ended finding Lukas who was in the same boat as me and we hung out in one of the secluded corners of the school. Neither of us wanted to go outside due to the cold weather.

We sat quietly chatting when I noticed that Lukas was acting a little strange. He was a little quieter than normal.

"Lukas are you okay?"

I asked, he paused seeming as if he were trying to figure out how to word his sentence.

"Babe, I need to talk to you"

To be honest I'm still not really used to the pet names and I don't know If I like them.

"Umm, okay. Sure, what's up"

"I know this is a lot to ask"

"What is?"

I replied without letting him finish.

"Let me finish. So, Dream"

"Yeah what about him"

"I don't like him"

I frowned, now the glaring makes sense.

"Why not"

I ask

"Something about him just doesn't sit right with me"

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

He breathed a long heavy sigh.

"I was thinking that maybe you should stop talking to him less"

My jaw dropped, I felt a little insulted, to be frank.

"Hell no, there's no way in hell that I am doing that"

I crossed my arms and his expression went from one of sympathy to annoyance.

"Well, who's more important YOUR BOYFRIEND"

he said raising his voice slightly while pointing at himself aggressively

"Or your friend who used to bully you"

"Don't word it like that, he's changed. He's not an asshole you know. Maybe, if you got to know him you'd actually like him."

He ignored my statement.

"Try talking to him instead of barely acknowledging when we hang out with my friends, instead of being a dick. You guys could be friends, you're very similar."

I argued trying to get his attention, but he still wasn't listening.


I tried to walk away after, but before I got too far he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Look, George. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that, I'll try to be nice. I guess I just got a little jealous. I'm sorry"

I smiled pulling him into a hug.

Notes with a smile on it // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now