if i can't have you, no one can.

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ruby lane x fem!reader

yandere-ish, but for the most part, not really.

WARNINGS: Blood and gore. 

This imagine takes place where ruby lane is the killer.

f/n= friend name.

F/N will be male in this one!

I know she killed her friends at a party but oh well, i kinda changed that.

You bit your lower lip, your friends were being slightly impatient with you. You had some homework to do before going over to F/N's house. Your other friends, Ari, Celia, and Max were sleeping over as well.

Ruby had been acting quite strange with you all, at least the last 2 days. She was normally bubbly and cheery, but now was reserved and cold, at least from your perspective. "Finally finished, you told yourself, grabbing your bags and calling for your mother to bring you over to F/N's house.

"Okay Y/N, let's go! M/n said, already prepared. You got into the car, and drove off, F/n didn't live that far away, but not walking distance whatsoever. You arrived and F/N greeted you. "Hey Y/n! He exclaimed. "I see you finished your homework."

"Yup, Quicker than expected, actually, did you invite Ruby?"

F/n bit his lower lip. "We did, of course, but she never showed up, and had been acting quite weird recently, have you noticed?" M/n left luckily and you entered, before reluctantly nodding. "Y/N! Your friends said in a unison, hugging you tightly. "Okay okay, i get it i missed everyone too, You chuckled.

It had been an hour since you came, and were having a blast, then all of a sudden, Celia said, "Can i say something? well, more like a big confession?" Everyone nodded.

"Y/N, i think Ruby is infatuated with you."

Your eyes widened. "Celia, she has a boyfriend..." "I know, but they have been arguing a lot recently, Celia said. "And plus, he could be a comphet for her."

This was the 1960s, where homophobia was pretty brutal, you had to hide your sexuality due to that, so maybe there was a chance Ruby was doing the same. but you thought that was pretty much impossible.

Ruby and her boyfriend had been together for 2 years and were pretty happy together, you were a 100% sure Celia was wrong.

"Well i mean, it is unlikely, Celia, You said, before hearing noises. "What was that? Max asked, getting up and checking it out before being slit in the throat, falling to the ground. You gasped, seeing at the window was Ruby.

Only, she looked possessed.

Everyone screamed and started to run around, however, they had no chance, she ended up killing her friends with a razor. You were left, and you were hysterically crying. "Why? You sobbed, before being pinned to the wall.

She whispered in your ear, "If i can't have you, no one can." 

Then, everything around you became black.

part 2? i will do it if you guys want it;) 

𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن