yandere imagine[9]

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part 2

part 1 should be read first, to make more sense.


This contains gun violence only(shockingly.)

You heard your cabin mate shake you awake. She looked scared. "y/n, come on! she said. "What is going on Sophia? You asked. "Just follow me! Sophia replied, entering Lily's cabin and you screamed in horror.

Everyone was there, Lily was dead, and blood was covering half the cabin, and looked as if she had been stabbed.

Who could have done such a thing?

You started to sob and bumped into Cindy. "Y/n, is everything okay? She asked. You shook your head."N-No, Lily, my crush just died." You cried into her shoulder, not knowing you were talking to one of Lily's killers.

"Shh Y/N, It is going to be okay? they will find her killer."

You frown. "Hopefully, she deserves justice." Cindy nodded, casually walking by your side as you went to the eating area. Most people were gossiping over the murder, and that made you feel uneasy for some reason.

"It is so fucking obvious, Kurt commented. "Last night, Y/N was talking to Lily and Cindy and Ziggy looked so pissed, so of course those two had to have murdered her." Sheila nodded. "I think so too. Y/n needs to know that."

Cindy's jaw was clenched. "Don't listen to them, You told her. "I don't think you did it." She softly smiled. "Thanks y/n, why do you talk to them anyways?"

You shrugged. "Kurt and Sheila are nice-ish, they tolerate me even though i am a shadysider. now come on, i am starving!"

You were still mourning, but wanted to do some sort of activity to keep your mind off of things. 


The camp was peaceful at night. Much quieter and easier to get away with murders. "Those bitches, Ziggy said."Can you believe Kurt and Sheila might actually tell Y/N we murdered her friend? i mean, we did!"

"Tonight, Ziggy, Cindy smirked. "They will be permanently silenced. You have the gun, right?" Ziggy had a smirk on her face and nodded. She always hated those snobs, their lives deserved to be stolen from them.

Sheila and Kurt were casually talking as friends, trash-talking shadysiders to be more specific, and hadn't noticed two figures creep behind them until it had been too late. 


Cindy and Ziggy looked down evilly at their latest victims. "Y/N will never know, Ziggy whispered. "She is ours only. Nobody can take her away from us." The blood on their clothes was going to be quite hard to wash out.

𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now