ThorBruce Week 2021, Day 6: Asgardian Courting Rituals

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This is going to be my final chapter for the ThorBruce week challenge. I'm already publishing it late enough as it is, and I need to get back to posting regular oneshots. This was by far my favorite chapter to write and was also my first one.

Word Count: 4,290

The 5 Steps to Asgardian Courting

By Thor Odinson

     Soft music floated through the courtyard of the Avengers compound as Tony and Stephen shared their first dance as husbands. They were the center of attention--the crowd of Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D members settled at tables surrounding the temporary wood dance floor. 

  Thor had taken a seat beside Steve toward the back. Somehow they had managed to be the only ones at that table.

  The god took a sip of his champagne, though he knew it wasn't powerful enough to intoxicate him. He liked the bubbles. "Tony and Stephen are a lovely couple," he began, trying to break the ice. 

   Steve nodded, taking a sip from his own champagne glass. He also liked the bubbles. "They really balance each other out. I'm happy for them. I think they'll be each other's sense of self-preservation." He chuckled. 

  Thor watched as the two danced. "Midgardian traditions and courting rituals seem different from Asgard's." 

  "What do you mean?" Steve asked, cocking his head. Courting had even changed since the forties, making it difficult for him to get back into the dating game. 

  "Well...I don't know how to explain it," Thor began. "We're just...bolder when it comes to proclaiming our feelings for someone. If we're attracted to someone, we let them know. We don't beat bushes." 

  Steve smirked. Thor seemed to never use slang or figurative language right. Then again, Peter had to educate both of them on something new every week. "Is that so? Then why haven't you and a certain someone gotten together yet?" 

  Thor laughed awkwardly. "What? What makes you think I'm interested in anyone?" 

  The super soldier squinted. "When you're not talking to me, your eyes are either on Tony and Stephen, or on--" he looked behind him to confirm his statement. Sure enough, Bruce Banner was sitting a few tables over, right in Thor's line of sight. "--Bruce. So either you like that scientist or you need to have a serious conversation with Tony and Stephen." 

  Thor began to blush. "I've discovered it's harder to confess your feelings to Midgardians since I'm used to being bold. I don't want to scare him." 

  Steve smiled gently and touched the god's hand in reassurance. "I don't think you will. Just go for it. How do Asgardians court people anyway?" 

  Thor smiled. "I'll tell you." 

   Step 1: Ask your person of interest out for drinks...or bring the drinks to them.

   Bruce looked up as he heard a thunk on his work desk. Thor stood over him, a smile on his face. In one hand was a bottle, and in the other were two glasses. 

  "Um...Hello, Thor," Bruce greeted, confused. "What brings you here today?" 

  "I figured you needed a break from work, and I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink with me," he said with rehearsed confidence (he had been pacing Steve's room thirty minutes prior). "I happened to have a bottle of Asgard's finest mead."

   "Alcohol?" Bruce asked in a small voice. 

  Thor nodded, smiling. 

  "No thank you, Thor," the scientist replied, sighing. 

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