11. Tell Me Where It Hurts

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This chapter can also be called "I Was Too Tired To Write a Good Chapter After the First Week of School so I Wrote a Filler Instead; I'm Sorry"

Don't worry, next week's chapter will be a lot better. This one stinks and I didn't know how to end it. I'm really excited to write next week's chapter, though!

Word Count: 2,888

   "So, after the bubbles on the surface of the batter pop and the sides begin to round out, that's when you know to flip it." Bruce guided Thor's hand holding the spatula, craning to see over his partner's shoulder. The two had woken up early to surprise the team with breakfast, so Bruce decided to show the curious god how to make pancakes. 

   The pancake landed on the electric griddle with a splat as some of the batter scattered from the underside. 

  Thor frowned. "That wasn't as neat as yours." 

   "Sweetheart, that was your first try. It's not gonna be perfect," Bruce reassured him, pecking his cheek. "Plus now you have a bunch of little baby pancakes. Let's pour more batter on the griddle while that one is cooking." 

  The larger man nodded and grabbed the ladle, drizzling more pancake batter onto the hot surface. A smile began to spread across his face. 

  "What are you grinning about?" Bruce asked teasingly. 

   "Could I make a giant pancake? Like the size of a pizza?" 

 Bruce chuckled. "You could. However, the bigger it is, the harder it is to flip. And you'd need a big pan." 

  "Darn," Thor replied. 

  "I'll try to make you a bigger one after we get this batch off, okay?" 


  "In the meantime, could you get some of the toppings out? We have syrup, peanut butter, honey, molasses, chocolate chips, and Nutella in the cabinets and jelly and fruit in the fridge. 


  The god nodded and began searching the cabinets. "I'm excited to try these pancakes. I've never had anything like them before. They don't look like any cake I've ever seen." 

  "Yeah, our cakes usually don't look like them. It's just a word. Just like how Clint isn't really a bird just because his name is Hawkeye, or anyone else on the team for that matter," Bruce chuckled. 

   "As far as we know," he heard Thor murmur. 

  The scientist rolled his eyes and smiled, flipping another pancake. 

  Jars clattered together as the god rummaged through the cabinets, pulling out the toppings his partner had listed. He stared at the jar of Nutella. "I've never tried this before." 

  Bruce glanced up. "Oh, Nutella is really good. Try some. I like it on crepes, which are like thin pancakes." 

  "Okay then, I will." Thor unscrewed the jar and stuck his entire finger in, scooping out a giant glob and putting it in his mouth. He groaned. "This is amazing!" He exclaimed. 

   "Don't you put that finger back in there! Other people eat from that!" Bruce scolded as Thor froze with his finger poised above the jar. He blushed, then screwed the lid shut again. 

  "Sorry," he murmured sheepishly. 

  "It's okay. I'm sorry for raising my voice. I know you're still not completely used to our customs. Usually, if you're sharing something like a fruit dip or nacho cheese, you don't dip the thing you just bit from because of germs. It's called double dipping." 

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