ThorBruce Week 2021, Day 3: Undercover as a Couple

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 I literally could not think of ANYTHING for this prompt, but I didn’t want to do the other one. It's crappy and portably has a ton of plot holes. Sorry lol.

Also, I'm sorry this is two days late! I already have Day 6's prompt written, so hopefully I can catch up!

Trigger warning: homophobia, kidnapping, a deragatory slur, and conversion therapy.


Word Count: 4,758

  It was a Friday afternoon in the Avenger’s Compound. Tony was working in the lab, Steve, Bucky, Nat, and Sam were training, and Thor and Bruce happened to walk into the kitchen at the same time for lunch. Bruce was frying a panini while Thor attempted to fry an egg (he’d been practicing every day that week). The scientist monitored him to be sure he wouldn’t burn the kitchen down. The god had been taking cooking lessons from practically everyone in the compound. 

  “How has your day been so far, Doctor Banner?” Thor asked, trying to make conversation. 

 “Please, just call me Bruce. There’s no need for formality.” He glanced around, then whispered, “I’m not like Stephen.” They both chuckled before Bruce continued. “I’ve been pretty good. I watched a documentary this morning about detecting black holes and the effects they have on gravity and time. It was very intriguing.” He blushed. “Sorry, I’m a bit of a space nerd.”

  Thor smiled. “No, it’s quite alright. I like space, too. I’m not sure what black holes are though.”

  “They’re things in space that have such a strong gravitational pull that nothing can escape once sucked in. They’re like giant space vacuums, I guess. Not even light can escape. Because of their powerful gravity, scientists have been able to detect them with recently-developed technology.”

  “That’s cool,” Thor replied. He glanced at his egg. “Oh, I think it’s done!” He gasped. 

  Bruce looked over. “It’s a little brown around the edges, but it looks good. Nice job, Thor!” The two high-fived. Thor slid the egg onto a plate and sat at the kitchen island. The smaller man joined a minute later with his panini. The god listened intently as Bruce talked more about the black hole documentary. He loved listening to him talk and getting a glimpse of what was going on in that brain of his. He wished Bruce knew how much he admired him. 

  The elevator dinged as Peter walked out. Bruce checked his watch. It was already 4:00, which was usually when the teen came over (when he wasn’t at his Aunt May’s, that is). 

  The boy let his bag slide off his shoulder and onto the floor beside the doorway. He shuffled over to the fridge with his head down, rummaging around. He closed the door after a moment, a GoGurt in hand. 

  “Hey Peter, how was school?” Bruce asked. 

  “Fine,” he mumbled. “I think I’m gonna go to my room.”

  The scientist furrowed his eyebrows. “Is something wrong? You can talk to Thor and me if you need to.”

   Peter sighed, then sat down beside them at the island. “I was talking to some of the local crime-fighters today, and apparently there’s a rumor going around of a new therapist in Queens. They’re advertised to be LGBT friendly, but some people aren’t coming back from their appointments. I talked to Aunt May, and she said the gay couple down the hall has been gone for about a week now.” Peter started crying, sitting the unopened GoGurt on the table and putting his head in his hands. “A-And I’m scared. I have a lot of friends in the community that I don’t want getting hurt. A-And I’m trans, so I’m in danger too.” 

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