10. Freaks Like Me

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Okay, so I literally had a dream before I wrote this that a reader commented saying that this chapter was absolute trash and the worst one I've written yet. Please don't be that reader; I'm sensitive 😅

I will warn you that this is gonna be borderline crackfic? Idk, it's kinda weird. Enjoy!

Word Count: 4,412

Bruce began to feel embarrassed and ashamed about Hulk, especially since he came out more often after the scientist's nightmare.

A particular incident Bruce kept apologizing for was when the two were on a date looking for wild herbs in the nearby woods for Thor and Stephen to use. The green guy had decided to come out because "Hulk want kisses too!"

The scientist had hidden behind a tree after Hulk decided to leave, partially out of embarrassment and partially because he didn't have any extra clothes. Thor lent Bruce his shirt until they got back to the compound since it came almost to Bruce's knees.

"Bruce, I've told you, I like both you and Hulk! You don't need to be embarrassed when he comes out," Thor had assured him.

"But I'm scared he'll say something rude or dumb or destroy something or--urgh, he just stresses me out, okay?" Bruce pulled at his hair before burying his face in his hands.

Thor moved them aside. "Maybe if you let him out more often, he wouldn't stress you out as much," he said softly. "I'll make sure it's a safe environment. The woods were a good place. We just have to remember to bring a change of clothes next time." He chuckled.

Bruce groaned. "I don't know, Thor. You know my rocky relationship with Hulk."

"I know," he replied. "But think of it as like a two-in-one shampoo! I get a smart, nerdy scientist that I can talk about space with, and an awesome sparring partner who's not afraid of hurting me!"

Bruce chuckled. "That's not how two-in-one shampoo works."

Thor grinned. "All I'm asking is for you to consider it."

Fast-forward a few days. Peter mentioned going into New York for patrol since it was his weekend to visit his Aunt May and Pepper. Thor had asked to go along to see what Peter did, and to step in if he needed to. Stephen portaled the pair to the Sanctum and Peter began his rounds.

The two currently sat on a rooftop overlooking Central Park. They had stopped a store robbery and helped a pair of girls walk home safely from a bar after seeing a group of guys eyeballing them from further down the street. (Thor also gave the guys a stern talking-to and threatened to set his brother loose on them).

They sat and ate some churros Peter had bought, despite Thor's protests.

"Dude, I'm pretty sure I have more money than you," Peter had replied when Thor objected.

Thor perked up, shoving the rest of the churro in his mouth as he saw a tall, dark figure land at the edge of a meadow in the park.

"Did you see that?" he asked, but Peter was already masking up when he turned to look.

The two jumped down from the building and slinked across the edge of the meadow among the shadows. They approached the spot where they first saw the figure, which was now vacant.

"Wasn't it right her--"

The two stumbled back as the figure landed in their path from the trees. It even towered over Thor.

"I see you have led me to some snacks, Eddie!" The figure exclaimed. Thor's eyes focused to see a black, slimy-looking creature with a human-like figure, aside from the height and extra muscles--oh yeah, and the huge, milky-white eyes and teeth.

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