7. Honey

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A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter is a little later this week. My summer camp ended a week early because of covid, so things were very chaotic because of last minute packing.

Words: 2,544

Bruce left the compound the morning after Thor kissed him. The rain started a few hours later and didn't stop for three days. Everyone in the compound knew something had happened between the two men because the weather was unexpected for that week.

Everyone had a discussion and finally sent Sam and Peter to talk to the god since Sam was a social worker and Peter was, well, a cinnamon roll. Meanwhile, Natasha and Bucky teamed up to search for Bruce.

Thor had felt like he had messed up his and Bruce's relationship by kissing him since Bruce left the morning after. Sam and Peter tried their best to reassure Thor and tell him that maybe Bruce just needed some time to think about everything.

The god felt even more frustrated with himself when he realized that the storm he was causing might keep Bruce from returning anytime soon, since he didn't like storms. It turned into a cycle of guilt for him.

Natasha and Bucky were able to track Bruce's credit card and phone location within ten minutes the morning he left. He was in a large national forest in upstate New York, likely away from people. After discussing it with the team, including Thor, they decided to give Bruce three days to clear his thoughts before making contact with him.

Peter did his best to keep Thor entertained with PopTarts and wildlife documentaries, but he wasn't the same. The god spent most of his time in the training area with a punching bag or in his room, staring at his star-covered ceiling, which only made him sadder. Peter offered to trade rooms with him until things were sorted out, but the blond politely declined.

When Bruce did come back after the two spies confronted him, the scientist stayed days and nights in the lab, hiding anytime Friday alerted him that Thor was coming. He felt horrible every time he did it, but he was terrified of facing the god.

The whole compound was on edge, and Tony finally convinced Bruce to at least go up to the kitchen for breakfast with everyone the third day he was home. He reluctantly agreed after the billionaire threatened to get his husband to portal him there.

Bruce shuffled off of the elevator, causing Sam, Peter, and Stephen to turn and look at him from their place at the island. They all smiled.

"Hey, Bruce," Sam greeted. "How are you doing this mornin--"

"Oh, cut the chit-chat Mr. Wilson," Peter complained, striding over to Bruce. "What did you do to Thor?"

Bruce was taken aback by Peter's harsh tone. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I-I didn't do anything. I left to clear my head because I felt overwhelmed."

"Thor is a mess right now!" the teen cried.

"Peter, this is exactly how we didn't want to start this conversation," Stephen scolded from the stove. He looked at Bruce. "Our apologies. Do you want your usual tea?"

"Um...sure," Bruce replied, sitting at one of the barstools. He figured there was no way out of this conversation now.

Sam gently touched the scientist's arm. "May I ask what happened that made Thor lose it? I think it will help us understand better," he said gently.

"W-Well I surprised him by gluing some glow-in-the-dark stars on his bedroom ceiling, and he surprised me by kissing me. Then he walked me to my room after I told him I felt overwhelmed and I couldn't sleep the entire night. I was afraid the other guy was going to come out, which I didn't want to happen, so I left around 5 a.m. for a place to clear my head." Bruce ran his hands through his tousled hair, watching the steam come out of the kettle on the stove.

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