15. Electric Love (Lokius)

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   Word Count: 1,209

 "So...these just pop from tiny seeds?" Loki asked, leaning over the pot that Mobius was stirring popcorn kernels in. The god didn't have a microwave, but luckily Mobius had a bag of popcorn kernels he could easily cook over the stove. He grabbed it at the last second when he went to his house to get his laptop. 

  "More or less, yeah," Mobius replied, lowering the heat slightly. 

  Loki leapt back as the first kernel popped. Mobius tried to stifle a laugh but failed, earning a glare from the Jotun. The pair hadn't really acknowledged their midnight conversation aside from continuing with their "date". Loki was back in his human form by the time Mobius woke up that morning. The lawyer secretly hoped he'd turn back; he looked beautiful in that form. 

  Loki stared at the popcorn over the man's shoulder, longing to wrap his arms around Mobius' waist. It just seemed so natural. 

  The god took a deep breath and folded his arms to do something with them. Mobius was probably joking about dating him. The lawyer had been tired; he probably didn't even realize what he had said. Even if he was serious, Loki didn't want to rush things. 

  He focused back on the stove as a series of pops erupted from the pot. White popcorn appeared. Mobius smiled at Loki's wide eyes, then asked, "Could you get us some bowls?"

  Loki turned and grabbed a pair of bowls out of a cabinet, bringing them over to the mortal. Mobius filled the bowls and brought them to the living room, setting them on the coffee table while he logged into his laptop. 

  "I don't bite," Mobius stated as he pulled Megamind up, noticing that Loki was practically sitting on the armrest on the other end of the couch. 

  The god shifted a little bit closer, drawing one of the fur skins over himself. Mobius hit play and set the laptop on the coffee table. He passed one of the popcorn bowls to Loki, then grabbed his own. 

  "I made kettle corn, which is sweet," the lawyer stated while getting comfortable on the couch. 

  Loki placed a kernel on his tongue before chewing it. "It tastes good." 

  Mobius smiled. "Thanks. You can eat handfuls at a time if you want unless you really want it to last the whole movie." 

  Loki chuckled, then directed his eyes to the screen. He found himself subconsciously shifting closer to Mobius. 


   The god didn't even make it ten minutes before crying. Mobius scrambled to hit pause, then grabbed Loki's hand out of reflex. 

  "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he murmured. 

  "That's how I felt," Loki choked out, referring to the scene from Megamind's childhood of how he was an outcast at school and how everyone loved Metroman. "Father always favored Thor. 'Thor, you need to be studying.' 'Thor, you need to be training.' 'Thor, come sit in on this meeting.' Of course, none of that was my brother's fault, but I still felt a bit of resentment! My mother was the only one who truly tried to raise and teach me as a child, and she wasn't even my real mother!" The god's skin began to tinge blue, and his horns started sprouting. Mobius could feel patterns appearing beneath his hands, which we're still holding Loki's. 

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