ThorBruce Week 2021, Day 2: Fire

481 20 71

  Word Count: 2,670

 Bruce shut the door to his car, Thor following suit. Clint had invited the Avengers to his farm for a bonfire and cookout. They ran a little late, but that was okay. 

   "I'm excited for this bonfire and cooking outdoors!" Thor proclaimed loudly. He helped Bruce get the camping chairs out of his trunk. 

  "I'm glad," the scientist replied. Tony had asked him earlier that week to drive Thor over. The god was a very talkative fellow and most of the Avengers couldn't gracefully handle an hour long car ride with him. Bruce didn't mind, though. He found Thor's childlike curiosity charming. When he wasn't talking about Asgard or asking questions about Midgard, he was attempting to sing along with the eighties playlist Bruce had playing in the background. 

  They wandered around back where mostly everyone else was gathered in a circle of chairs around a crackling fire. Clint sat beside Nat, animatedly discussing a long range shot he made in target practice that week that broke his record. Sam, Bucky, and Steve sat beside each other as they talked about Back to the Future , which they had just watched earlier that day. Tony was trying to convince Stephen to create a fireworks show toward the end of the bonfire, to which the wizard was objecting. Peter and Scott were outside of the circle dueling with red and green cosplay lightsabers. That piqued Thor's interest. He lumbered over as Bruce set up the chairs beside Tony and Stephen. 

  "I brought Ibuprofen, Benadryl, and horse tranquilizer, whichever you prefer," Tony said after Thor got out of earshot. Stephen's cloak smacked Tony on the arm for him. 

  Bruce decided to play dumb, as he always did when people were being passive aggressive or rude. "Why would I need those?" 

  Tony nodded toward the god, who was fighting Peter with the red saber. "For Point Break. I'm sure he talked your ear off the whole ride over here." 

  "He did. Why would that have been a problem?" 

  "Well, you're usually not one to talk. I figured he would’ve driven you up the wall." 

  He shook his head. "I happen to like how vocal Thor is. He's very transparent about his feelings and thoughts, which means I don't have to decipher what he says as much. Unless he's trying to describe something here on Earth. Then it just gets entertaining." He proceeded to talk about how Thor was trying to describe PopTarts, which he had eaten not too long after he'd come to Earth. ("It's like a board, but it tastes better than that and it's sweet like fruit with a layer of white on top of it and little shavings of color," he had explained. "They also come wrapped in a shiny material, which I learned was not meant for eating." It had taken a good three minutes before Bruce had guessed correctly.) 

    Tony wiggled his eyebrows. “Sounds to me like someone has a crush.” 

     Bruce rolled his eyes. “Just because I’m nice to someone doesn’t mean I have a crush on them. I believe it’s called basic human decency.” 



    He inwardly sighed. So maybe he did have a crush on the god. Was he going to admit it though? Probably not. It’s not like it’d go anywhere. He leaned back in his seat and watched Thor duel with Peter. 

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