5. Gay or European?

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A/N: So a few things...

1. Yes, I know I could've used the song from Legally Blonde the Musical. However, after thinking about it, I thought this song fit better :) It's very wholesome and makes me happy every time I listen to it. 

2. So the chapter after this was originally supposed to come before this one, but I partially rewrote it and then wrote this one because I had a...slight change of plans ;)  So if these next two chapters sound sort of weird or choppy, that's why. I wasn't sure how to fix them. 

3. I'm still fairly new to the LGBTQ community (I figured out I was Bi around October 2020; it's currently July 2021), so I still have a lot to learn. I did some research and tried to find the best way to explain some of the topics in this chapter. If I got something wrong or if something could be said better, kindly tell me in the comments or DM me and I'll do my best to fix it. 

4. Also not me making a PowerPoint on why Thor is the god of lesbians...

Enjoy! <3

Word Count: 2,986

 Thor walked into the kitchen, heating up water for coffee. Peter graciously gave Steve, Bucky, and Thor a tutorial for how to use a modern day coffee maker one morning, complete with handwritten instructions taped to the wall beside it in case they forgot.

The elevator dinged, Peter--speak of the devil--walking into the room soon after, a thin yellow package in his hands. "Good morning, Mr. Thor," he greeted.

"Ah, good morning, young spider. What are you carrying?"

Peter looked down, blushing. "Oh, this is a flag I ordered for my room. It came in the mail yesterday and I just now got it from downstairs."

"Oh. May I see?"

"Uh...sure," Peter replied, tearing open the package. He unwrapped the layer of plastic on the inside and unfolded a pale blue, pink, and white flag, holding it out at arms length.

Thor frowned in confusion. "I thought you were American. Those aren't Steve's colors."

Peter laughed, lowering the flag so he could see the god. "I am, Mr. Thor. This isn't a country flag. This is a type of Pride flag."

He stared at Peter blankly.

Peter sighed. "I guess I have a lot of explaining to do." He rubbed his eyes. "Where do I start," he mumbled, thinking for a moment.

Thor decided to pour his coffee and sit at the kitchen island, now intrigued.

"Okay, so here on Earth, or Midgard to you, liking the opposite gender is considered 'normal'. So, a man liking a woman or vice versa. However, some people don't. Some people like the same gender, some like more than one, some identify as one gender while being born another, some identify as both, and some don't identify with either genders. We call this population of people the LGBT community. Do you understand so far? This is a lot to take in."

Thor nodded, completely focused on the boy now.

"Okay, so LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. I'll explain what all of those mean, too."

Thor raised his hand--something he picked up on from group meetings.

Peter chuckled. "Yes, Thor."

"So...I think I'm a lesbian. According to some lesbians on this twittering and tumbling app, I'm their god."

Peter started laughing, but became secretly worried about what Thor had seen on Tumblr. "I think that's more like a joke for them, Thor. Or maybe they just think you're a safe and respectful person. Lesbians are women or some nonbinary people who like other women."

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