Chapter 3.

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Victoria's P.O.V.

It seemed like ages since I had last spoken to anyone. I haven't told anyone, not even Cheyenne, about me and Tyson yet. But I wouldn't doubt Nick and the guys already knew, as Tyson would of mentioned it by now. Which also meant I was going to enjoy the time i had before being bombarded with question after question by Cheyenne.

I got up finally, the faint smell of bacon lingered in the air, but I wasn't hungry. My parents, along with my sister had practically given up on breakfast with me, after about two weeks of coaxing. I felt awful about the way I had been acting, but I just couldn't help myself.

No. Today is going to be different. I told myself. I needed to get on with my life.

And so i forced myself into getting ready and marched down to the breakfast table, with a newfound determination.

"Goodmorning, everybody." I said with a smile. They stared at me kind of confused at first, which was then replaced with a shrug which meant 'oh well'.

As I started digging into my meal, my mom brought up the one topic I had been trying oh so desperately to avoid.

"It feels like Tyson or any of your friends haven't been over in ages. Is everything alright?" as i opened my mouth to answer her, or more like lie to her, the door swung open revealing a confused looking, pissed off Cheyenne.

" You broke up with Tyson?!" Everyone gasped.

Oh brother.



Nick's P.O.V

We were recording a song at the studio today. Tyson, however, didn't seem into it at all. And it has been this way for around two weeks. He has been acting out over tiny things and using every excuse he has to get angry and punch something. It had to be stopped before that something turned into a someone.

"God damn it! Fuck!" Tyson yelled when he made a mistake, almost hitting his favorite bass on my amp.

"Ty, chill out dude." Mike said. Tyson looked at the floor, his breathing heavy and jaws clenched.

"I gotta go." he said quietly. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean? We're not even halfway done with this." Chris tried reasoning.

"Yeah man..." Mike added.

"I don't really care." he said, starting to pack his stuff up with great frustration.

"You don't really care, Tyson?" I stepped in. That managed to piss me off. He stopped packing and stared at the floor again. Avoiding eye contact.

"You know just as well as we do that the band isn't the reason you've been acting like shit lately, so why not cut the crap-act, and stop treating us like shit?" I raised my voice. All he did was shake his head.

"Come on Ty. We tell each other everything." Mike said. With that, we heard Tyson sigh, then let out a small sob.

"We broke up." that's all he said looking at us with teary eyes and shrugging, before taking his stuff and leaving the three of us standing there like fools.


Tyson's P.O.V.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to talk to her.
I sped all the way to her house, and practically ran to the doorstep. I took a few deep breaths and knocked three times.
Madi answered the door.
"Hey kiddo! Where's your sister?" I said, hoping I didn't look like I had been crying.
"Stop calling me that, Ritter. I'm gonna be a teenager this week. Remember?" She said, in a sassy tone.
"Just go get her, please?" I demanded.
"She actually just left with Avan, I'll tell her you dropped by when she gets home?" My heart sank. I needed to talk to her. Avan has been wanting to get with Vic for a while now, and of course he jumps at the first opportunity. But then again, it was Vic, who wouldn't?

"Do you know where they are?" I asked, trying my best not to look disappointed.

"Just call her, jeez." She rolled her eyes.

I looked down, if only it was that easy.
"Thanks Madison." I said, walking away.

Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Where stories live. Discover now