Chapter 30.

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"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" we both exclaimed, and not a moment was wasted as screams and cries of utter surprise and joy sprouted from the mouths of our loved ones.

"About damn time you two lovebirds got hitched!" My mom said, kissing my cheeks, a tear racing down her face. Cheyenne took to admiring my ring, and I too found myself gaping at the ring, for the hundredth time. Tyson really outdid himself. It was stunning. Tiny diamonds decorated the band halfway, then fading into a plain silver. All that topped off with a big diamond on the top, being the main centre of attraction.

I looked across the room. The guys were huddled in a circle chugging their beer, celebrating the first Reject to be accepted (wink wink), Mark and Tyson's parents were lounging on the couch in light conversation, each of them glancing over at their children, with the look of complete love, pride and admiration burning in their eyes, as to who we've grown up to be. Those two little kids who grew up in their tiny treehouse, and created a bond so strong, it would take the end of all things to break it apart.

"Dude, next time you plan on ditching and coming back to announce you're getting hitched, you better fucking tell me! Or at least give me a heads up for Christ's sake!" Cheyenne pouted, earning a laugh from both me and my mother.

"And next time you decide to play foul mouth around me, give me a fucking heads up!" My mom slurred and we gaped at her.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, hiding my face in my hands. This is the part I announce she's had too much to drink.

"Oh, please! I'm only 43. Let me have a lil fun, mother." She said, hand on hip.

I laughed out loud and threw my hands up in defense.

"Didn't hear anything!" I said, mimicking a zip on my mouth.


"Thanks for coming." Me and Tyson smiled and hugged our parents goodbye, waving them off as they drove out of the driveway.

"That went well." I smiled brightly, hooking my arms around Tyson's waist and looking up at him.

"Yas." He said, kissing me briefly.

"And now we tend to the cavemen in our living room."

"And cavewoman." I added.

"FUCKIN' ASSDICK" Nick yelled at Chris, who was having trouble holding the whiskey bottle.

Nick never yells or calls anyone 'assdick', let alone his best he must be pretty damn drunk. 

"Nick maybe you should lay off the drinks now?" Cheyenne suggested, attempting to take his glass away from him, but he snatched it away, whiskey sloshing all over the place leaving his glass almost empty.

"No! Why are you being such a bitch?" Nick spat.

"What?" Cheyenne was taken back.

"Nicky calm down, give me your glass." Tyson stepped in now, inching closer to Nick.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with all of you, I'm not done, and I'll say I'm done when I'm done!" He shouted, trying to get up, but instead stumbling back on the couch.

"Nick, it's enough. You're shitfaced drunk!" Cheyenne tried again.

"Shut the fuck up, you bitch! You're always so controlling! It's fucking sick, I don't even know why I'm with you at this point! Not to mention you're a selfish, narcissi-"

"Nick!" Tyson, Mike and Chris yelled simultaneously, and he stopped.

I took his glass away slowly and took my place behind Tyson.

Nick hardly ever got this drunk, because a shitfaced Nick never ended well. It was the worst version of him. Almost as if there was no sign of humanity left in him. The polar opposite of what he really is like.

"What? It's a fuckin party ain't it? Let's have fun then! No? Am I wrong?" He slurred.

"Oh whats wrong princess? Did I hurt your little pretty heart? Or was it your ego I crushed?" He smirked at Cheyenne, who was now weeping, and stared at Nick like she didn't know him.

"I'm outta here." he said, shakily getting up and clumsily stumbling toward the door.

"Nick you can't drive home like this!" Tyson demanded, striding toward him.

"I'm fine, for fucks sake! Leave me alone!" He pushed Tyson back and got in his car, driving off surprisingly with ease.

"Fuck!" Cheyenne screamed in frustration, and I rushed to her side.

"Hey it's okay, calm down, are you okay?" I asked, wiping her years away.

"I'm fine, I-I just- he was my ride and I -"

"You can sleep here tonight, it's okay,"

"No I have to make sure he's okay." She stated, proceeding to get her stuff.

"I'm on it-" Tyson cut in.

"No, Ty. It's okay, I can do it. We've ruined the night for you guys enough, and you don't have to go on a wild goose chase now." She said, looking sad.

"You didn't ruin it, Chey. Listen, let me drive you, okay? The guys can stay back and clean up for once." I giggled, earning soft groans and moans from behind me.

"Are you su-"

"Yes. Now come on." I said, grabbing my keys and striding out the door with her.


"Thank God. He's here." Cheyenne breathed out in relief, looking at Nick's car parked along the sidewalk, his silhouette inside passed out.

"Thank you so much. I'm so sorry." she said into my shoulder as she hugged me tight.

"Shush. It's okay."

"I'm so happy for you, Vic. For both of you. I hope you know that." She smiled at me, before getting out.

"Goodnight!" I called out, and she replied with a peace sign.

I began turning out onto the main road again, before I heard Cheyenne screech my name.

One moment, the lights were coming at me, brighter than the first light of day. And the next :


Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Where stories live. Discover now