Chapter 15.

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"Come on!! Wake up! We've gotta leave in half an hour." I shouted at my dad. I was going back home today. And he was coming with me. I had actually gotten him to agree with me to come home and see mom, Madison and Mark. Maybe he could even meet Cheyenne, and Nick, Mike and Chris. Maybe even Tyson, again. I actually couldn't wait to talk to Tyson. I had so much to say. I'm glad I took off on my little 'retreat'. I was ready to patch everything up.
My dad told me he left because he and mom were not doing well, and he told me truthfully that he was embarrassed of the fact I was not planned. This hurt, so much to hear, but after a few hours of tears and arguments, we got through it, together.
He also added that he had spent over 10 years of his life in regret and sorrow. And he got nowhere. So he decided to turn his life around. Next thing he knew, he got a job he loved, along with a woman he loved even more. He made sure he added the fact I came back into his life, too, and that the only regret he has left is that he didn't find me earlier.
After he told me that, I realized, there was no use dwelling on the terrible past, when there was so much to look forward to in the future, if you set it right. Even in the darkest of times, there's always light at the other side. As cheesy as it sounds. Its true. Everything happens for a reason.


"MARK!" I jumped into his arms, hugging him like a bear.

"Oh my god, Vic we've missed you so much!" He had tears in his eyes. He was such a big softie. A huge 6ft tall softie.

"Oh don't cry, mommas back." I said in a sassy tone. He laughed. His eyes drifted to my dad. Dad-ception holy shit.

"Hey, Zack. Come on in. Nice to meet you." They shook hands firmly. I was glad no awkwardness was lingering.

"Mom, Madi!!" The three of us group hugged. I looked at Madi.

"Are you wearing my makeup?" I questioned, squinting at her.

"Oops." She ran away. I giggled.

"Is he here?" My mom asked, scared to look behind me. I nodded, grabbed her hands and brought her to my long lost father.

"Mom, I'd like you to re-meet Zack." I smiled.

"Hi, Serene." He smiled. She sighed and hugged him.

This was the moment I'd been waiting for. Well, one of them. The great, family reunion. We were all happy, smiling, enjoying each others presences.

After dinner, I forced myself to drop by Ty's place. This had to be done.

I reached his front porch. I took a deep breath, trying to settle the anxious butterflies in my stomach, repeating what I was to say in my mind. I hadn't heard about or from him since that phone call with Cheyenne.

I knocked quickly and waited.


His car and bicycle were both here. Unless he walked. I knocked again. I checked if his spare keys were in the pot. They were. Which means he never left. He was in there. I got worried. He couldn't of known it was me, I haven't told anyone I was back.

He could be sleeping, I told myself. I took the spare key and entered the house.

The house stank of something pungent, mixed with trash and alcohol.

"Tyson?! Ty where are you?! Its Victoria!" I called, quite frantic. I ran past all the empty bottles of liquor, and to his room. The bathroom light was on and the door slightly ajar. I ran toward it and peeped my head inside, scared of what I might find.

Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ