Chapter 31.

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Heartbeat racing.

"! Y-You're lying-"

"Ty, calm down, Tyson, Tyson look at-"

"No. No!"

Eyes shooting everywhere, vision blurred.

"Look at me!"

I look at him.

"It's gonna be okay."

My lips tremble and I shake my head.

"No, stop lying. Nick stop fucking lying to me-"

"Tyson, please-"

"Victoria is in there, Nick! I love her. I can't lose her. I can't."

And then I break down. Completely. My chest heaving as I struggled to gasp for air between my violent sobs. My knees giving way as I fell to the ground, head in my hands.

"Mr. Ritter I suggest you go in there. Talk to her. Because, if you don't-"

"So it's decided then, huh? Right? You're just gonna let her die?" I shot up to look the doctor in his cold green eyes, feigning sadness.

"No, nothing is decided, sir. We are trying everything we can."

"Well, try harder!"

"She's too weak. I'm sorry, Mr. Ritter, but, it's the most we can do for now."
With that, he turned on his heel and walking to what I hoped was hell.

"Ty...go." Nick pleaded.

My shoulders slumped and I looked at the room holding my beloved.

Turning the knob, I walked in with slight hesitation.

I was afraid. Afraid to see this woman who I'd fallen so deeply in love with, laying on a bed, with wires in every direction. To see her so weak, when she was the strongest person I'd ever met in my lifetime. To see her so pale when she brought brightness and light to a very often, dull world.

To see her so vulnerable.

And it brought hot heavy tears to my eyes.

I sit down in the chair next to her. Her lips were chapped and faded. Her cheeks displayed light blue and grey veins. The warmth had completely left her body.
This wasn't Vic. It was a shell. A shell I hoped shed soon leave to be renewed.

"Vicky," I took her cold, limp hand in mine, kissing it ever so lightly.

"I'm not gonna get all cliché and ask if you can hear me like in the movies, but, I am gonna talk to you. I mean, you were always a great listener, now especially," I imagined her laughing, and smiled.

"But I know you are fighting. I know you are, because you're,'re you. You are strong. And you better keep fighting, Vic. And, maybe it's because I'm selfish. My love for you is selfish. Because I love you so much, and I will not let you leave, Victoria. I love you. I love you" the end came out as a trembling whisper and I rested my head on her arm. My tears dispersed into her shirt, and I felt my eyelids growing heavy.


It happened so fast.

"Victoria! Wait!" I screamed with all I had, but I knew it was too late.

The Honda came out of nowhere, his lights were off, speeding down the dimly lit neighborhood.

As Victoria turned out, he rammed into her side, full speed, sending her car flying into a stop sign. The pole cut through half of the back seat.

Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Where stories live. Discover now