Chapter 7.

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" I screamed and jumped up and down on Cheyenne's bed, of course making sure she doesn't spend her birthday in the hospital. She groaned and turned to lie on her belly. It was 9 a.m., which translated to 5 a.m. in Cheyenne language.

"C'mon, time for us to celebrate your day of existence!" I sang, shaking her vigorously. She groaned again, and turned around abruptly, pushing me off her bed. She was never a morning person...

"Shut the hell up, Vic. Go be happy somewhere else." She scolded. I laughed, as an evil idea entered my mind.

I ran into the bathroom and returned with a cup of icy cold water in my hands.

"You sure, bruh?" I smiled devilishly. She replied by throwing her middle finger up in the air. I laughed and crept towards her.

"What are you up to?" She asked after the room fell silent for a few moments.


"YAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I let out my battle cry and dumped the water on her head and back and she let out a scream.

"Vic!" Her voice cracked. I laughed until my gut could've burst. She came after me with her arms flailing about.

"I AM GONNA GET YOU SO BAD VICTORIA JUSTICE. SO. BAD!" She chased me through the Conrady household, and I hid behind her dad, using him as protection. He was as huge as Mark, they could both be easily mistaken with yetis.

"Woah woah woah! Calm down, girls." He laughed.

"Dad, let me get her!" I just laughed at her, and she began laughing as well. She caught me by my sweater and dragged me out of my safety zone.

"OH SHIT!" I screamed and laughed, as she began pushing my head towards the sink, and I felt the cold water trickle down back, before I broke free, and ran towards the couches.

We were on the floor, fighting for breath and clenching our guts at this point.

"Okay.....stop...please...I'm outta breath!" I said, whilst trying to calm myself down. I ran up to hug her.

"Happy birthday, Chey." I said, and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled.

"Thanks, Vicky." She smiled at me.

"Come on, girls! We have loads to do for the party!" Her mother chimed in, hugging and kissing Cheyenne, wishing her.

"Party!" Cheyenne screamed excitedly.

"Yes, party. Now come on!" Her mom grabbed the keys and we left for the mall.


We were on the way to Cheyenne's house, Nick was driving.
"Dude." He stopped dead in the middle of the road, sending us jolting forward.
"Ow." Mike said, rubbing his nose.

"What?" I asked, frantically.
"I forgot Cheyenne's present." He said, turning white.
"So just turn around, man. Don't break our noses for it." Mike said, still massaging his nose.
"Sorry. Should I drop you guys off first?"
"Nah I'll come with yo-" I tried to say, before Nick cut me off.
"No I'm dropping you off. It took way too long to convince you to come to this party and I'm not making any room for you backing out."
I groaned, indicating he had been right. I had been stressing over the fact I knew Victoria would be here. I wasn't ready to see her. And God forbid she's there with Avan.

We continued our journey, Nick going a little faster, and me dreading every moment we were getting closer to our destination. And before we knew it, we had arrived.


"I don't know about this..." I said from the bathroom, to Cheyenne.

"Come on! Just let me see!" She urged. I sighed and walked out. She gasped.

"I know its horri-" I began.

"AMAZING!" She screamed and walked over, adjusting my outfit here and there.

"Isn't it too much?" I asked, she replied by staring at me half eyed. She bought me an outfit to wear tonight, out of nowhere. It was a black top, and the black leather jeans, with a matching jacket. I paired them up with my sneakers, but still felt uncomfortably conscious and kept pulling at the pants.

"Vic you look amazing! I knew you would! Please wear it." She pouted. I sighed. I didn't wanna make her upset on her birthday. I forced a smile and hugged her.

"Thanks. I love it." She squealed and pulled away, at the sound of the doorbell.

"Come on!" She pulled my hand.

"I'll catch up with you. I just need to fix some stuff up." I lied. I just needed a breather. She nodded and skipped down the stairs to answer the door. I looked at my reflection and sighed.

"One night. Get it together. Whether he's here or not." I whispered to myself and made my way down the stairs. I heard familiar voices.

"Vic!" Mike yelled as soon as he saw me. At once, Mike and Chris were hugging me. I laughed and hugged them back.

"Where's Nick?" I asked, looking around.

"Oh he forgot...something." Chris said, glancing at Cheyenne. I raised an eyebrow.

My eyes drifted to the back of them and saw him. His sparkling blue eyes were the same as I'd seen them before, and his mouth pressed into a thin line, as he stared straight at me.

"Hi.." I said quietly to him.

"Hey." He said back, sharing the same silence. All of us shared an awkward silence as me and Tyson stared at each other as if we were strangers.

Luckily, the doorbell saved us.

"Happy birthday!" A high pitched voice shrieked. Cheyenne shared a shriek as well, leaning in to hug...well I'm not so sure yet.

"Thank you!" Cheyenne linked arms with girl. A really pretty one to be exact. She had fiery red hair, and a slender, tall figure. She walked gracefully and smiled as she saw all of us. She was beautiful. Intimidatingly, in fact.

"Jaclyn!" The guys choired, including Tyson. Had everyone known her?

I stood awkwardly as they hugged this well known stranger, until she saw me.

"And who is this?" She asked, walking over with an extended hand.

"Victoria." I croaked.

"So you're the famous Victoria. Its great to finally meet you! Tyson hardly told me anything, but those three sure did!" She hugged me. She was with Tyson?

A pang of jealousy erupted my veins like wildfire. I covered it up with a smile when she let go.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Jaclyn. Jaclyn McGarth." She said with pride, her green eyes piercing through me. I nodded.

"I'm gonna get a drink." I said after I had gone back to being the awkward stranger, exiting to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of lemonade and gulped it down. I sighed and pulled out my phone.

"Where are you? :3" I texted Avan. He replied almost immediately.


The doorbell rang and I smiled widely.

I entered the living room again, only Jaclyn and Tyson were missing. Avan came in and the guys gave him a few awkward handshakes, and hugged Cheyenne. His eyes fell on me and he glided over to me to hug me.

"Hey baby." He kissed my cheek. I looked around worriedly. Did they know?

"Not here." I whispered. He looked at me, puzzled.

"I'm not sure if they know...about us."

"Well I think it's about time." He smiled and kissed me full on the lips.

We pulled away after a while.

I heard the slide door close and turned to my right.


Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Where stories live. Discover now