Chapter 4.

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Victoria's P.O.V

"Where are we going?" I asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"You'll see." He said yet again. I was growing impatient, we'd been driving for about 45 minutes straight.

Finally, after around ten more minutes, he stopped the car. He stopped it beside what looked like the remains of a carnival. You may me imagining a creepy, dirty looking place with scary mutant clowns with sharp teeth and blood gushing from their mouths, but this carnival thing looked pretty decent. Like it had just recently come out of business.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"My dad used to work here. It went out of business a few months back." He said, climbing over the ticket booth to get across. I silently praised myself for guessing right.

"That's cool, I love carnivals." I said, smiling. He nodded and took my hand, helping me across as well.

"Come on." He grinned. He led me into the park, not letting go of my hand. We stopped in front of a balloon counter.
"Wait here." He went in, and a in a few short minutes, the whole place lit up like a Christmas tree. The whole setting looked so beautiful. The moon shone, casting a soft glow all around. Yellow christmas lights hung in nets above from tree to tree, making everything seem like this was some sort of fairytale. I looked at everything in awe. Avan came out and took my hand again.
"Awesome, right?" He said. I nodded.

"Let's have some fun, eh?" He said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Is it safe?" I asked. He let out a laugh.

"Fuck no." I laughed at that along with him.
"Let's go then!"

Tyson's P.O.V

I looked everywhere. The car-park Vic usually took me and Avan to when we hung out, Avan's house, I went back to Victoria's house twice to see if they had returned. Nothing. It was nearing 10:30p.m, when I decided to go home.

I parked my van in the driveway and dragged my numb body up to my front door. With a sigh, I unlocked the door and went in. I opted to have some milk to at least fill me up. I hadn't eaten all day.

"Where've you been?" the sound of my mother's worried voice erupted the tensity of the air in the living room. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"You don't always have to wait up for me."

"Yes, I do, Tyson. But you actually could make it easier and come back earlier, or at least call to let me know. I don't want what happened to you the last time to repeat itself Ty." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh please. Mom, I think I'm old enough for you to get off my back." I snapped back at her.

"Don't pull that shit on me Tyson Jay Ritter! I have been supporting you all the way, putting up with your nonsense time and time again. I have done so much to keep you on your feet, let alone this whole family! So don't you dare say that to me." She said sternly.

"Well. You won't have to worry about me anymore anyway. I'll be out by the end of the week." I said, and headed to my room.

I paced around the room, trying to calm myself down. I went into the bathroom and began punching the walls, the skin on my knuckles beginning to rip and bleed.

I hated the person I had become.

After ridding myself of the blood from my hands and wrapping them up, I laid down on my cold bed, putting in my earphones. I looked at the picture of me and Vic on my bedside table and took it in my trembling hands. A loud scream escaped my lips, I propelled my arms forward, sending the picture flying across my room,the glass shattering on my wall.

I hated the person I had become.

Victoria's P.O.V

"Thanks for today, dude." I said, as my house came into view. He smirked.

"Anything for you, Vicky." I cringed at the nickname.

"Hey...can I ask you something?" he asked. I nodded, even though I knew what was coming.

"Go ahead."

"Will you ever see me as more of just a friend to you?" He said, as he pulled up.

"Of course! You're totally my best friend!" I laughed, but stopped when I saw he didn't share it.

"Av.....I just....I just really need you as a friend right now...." I tried holding his hand but he pulled it away.

"He's a fucking prick who doesn't give a shit about you Vic! Stop wasting your time and open your fucking eyes!" I was taken back for a minute, before rolling my eyes and reaching for the door. I didn't need anymore of this shit.

"Thanks again. I'll see you around." I got out of the car and ran into the safety of my home.

Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora