Chapter 28.

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The sun shone through a gap in the curtains and warmed my face in its glow. Tyson's hand grazed my bare hips and I squirmed from the tickle, but tried not to wake him. He looked so peaceful. The sunlight behind him made him look like an angel. His messy, dark hair covered his eyes, and his lips played with a tiny pout which made the heavens cry.

His arm grazed my belly and this time I couldn't help it. My reflexes kicked in and my knee connected with his jaw somehow.

He jerked awake and clutched his face, his eyes shut tight.

"Why." He strained.

"I'm sorry, your hand tickled me and it was like a reflex. I'm sorry." I said, checking his face. He moved his hand so I could.

"Yeah...that's gonna bruise.." I smiled sheepishly and he glared at me.

"Go get dressed, we're having fun today." He smiled, getting up and finding his boxers.

"Fun? What kind of f-"

"Sshhh just go get ready it's a surprise." He said, very excited.

I shrugged and did as he told.


"And this is where me gre' granddaddy died in battle. This very rock." The elderly tour guide repeated for what was now the fourth time - and counting.

There were ten of us, including me and Tyson.

"This was your idea of fun? Damn, you suck at surprises dude." I whispered to Tyson, who was playing Color Switch on his phone.

"Sshhh!" The tour guide spat, and began to continue.

"Vic be quiet." Tyson smirked.

"You there." I looked over, heart pounding. The very pissed off tour guide's long, wrinkly finger pointed perfectly straight toward me and Tyson.

I nudged him hard.

"You made me lose, shit!" Tyson whisper shouted at me, but then actually looked up to see lots of pairs of beady eyes looking at him. But the cold, dead, gray ones pierced through the rest like ice on the skin.

I heard Tyson audibly gulp.

"Sorry." He said, losing all sign of manliness in that one simple word. And I didn't judge him, the man was scary as hell.

The tour guide muttered something about how much he hated 'youngsters' and carried on repeating.

"Wanna ditch?"

"Yes please." Me and Tyson sneaked away, behind a rock far away enough, and burst out laughing.

"It was like Mr. Garrison's history class all over again! I can't relive another day of high school, hell no!" Tyson laughed so hard, a vein on his neck had appeared, face red.

"We never were great at history, were we?" I giggled. Tyson scoffed.

"Hell no."



"Pick up, pick up, pick up." I said to myself, crossing my fingers tightly.

My heart fluttered with hope, before the delay ended and the voiceover sounded, crushing every little bit of hope I had left, yet again.

Groaning, I went back into the living room.

"Nope. It rang a little longer though!" I said sarcastically to everyone.

"Somethings wrong. They wouldn't just up and leave without telling at least one of us." Mike said, them gasped.

"What if they were abducted?"

Nick rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Guys, they're probably just taking a break from all of this. Don't forget how much shit Vic's being put through. I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted out for a while." He shrugged.

"Yeah but why not tell us while you're at it? That isn't really fair, is it?" I said, hand on hip and very annoyed.

"They don't really owe us anything, Chey. You don't own them, neither of us do. They're not children. What do you think Vic would say if you decided to take off because your life's been pretty shitty of late?" Nick lectured, and as stubborn as I was, I couldn't help but agree.

"You're right." I sighed.

"Just give them time." Chris chimed, standing.

"It's not like they'll be gone forever."



"She's called me five times in the past hour, Ty. Can't I just let her know I'm fine at least?" Vic said, tapping at her phone anxiously.

"I'm not stopping you, babe. You made the bet with yourself" I laughed.

"Why didn't you stop me?" She whined. I shook my head chuckled.

"You're crazy. Just call her." I urged.

"Nah...I mean it's just one more day, right?"

I don't understand women.

"I'm gonna go make us dinner. As its our last night here, it shall be special." I announced and heard Vic laugh as I made my way to the kitchen.

Opening the little velvet blue box in my hand, I smiled down at the shining object and back up to my future, who was dancing along to her favorite Hall and Oates record.

It was going to be special.

Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Where stories live. Discover now