Chapter 22.

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I couldn't be more grateful to have Tyson in my life, along with everyone else. This whole thing has made me realise that even more. They have kept me going, and as bitchy as I was, they didn't give up on me. Tyson didn't stop trying. After I said all that crap to him in the carpark, I immediately regretted it. I was selfish, and I honestly thought I'd lost him as soon as those vile words exited my drunken mouth. But I didn't. And I'm so glad I didn't.

I heard some commotion at the door, and after finishing up, headed over to see who was at the door. My heart fell to my ass as soon as I played eyes on him.

"A-Avan?" They stopped the little glaring match they had going on, and his eyes shifted to me. Well, Tyson was still staring daggers at him.


"Don't call her that." Tyson growled. I rolled my eyes upward and sighed.

"Stop it, Ty. You're acting like a child." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me giving me a "what? Are you serious?" expression which reminded me of when we were still in high school, and I chuckled.

"Relax, De Niro," I said before turning my gaze to Avan, who had thought I hadn't seen him smirking at Tyson through it all, and who also quickly changed that into a look of concern and sorry.

Two can play at that game, bitch.

"Why are you here, Avan?" I said, looking sad.

"I...can I come in?" I nodded lightly, allowing him to enter first.

Tyson was lost. Which was good, it meant it looked real.

"What are you doing?!" He whisper shouted.

"Just follow my lead, act like how you were just now. All angry and stuff." I calmly said.

"Oh, that wasn't acting." He huffed, entering after me.

"Um...can I...can I get you anything?" I asked. He shook his head, sitting on the couch and putting his leg up on the table.

"No, no thanks." Tyson walked to the other side of the room, making sure to knock his legs down on the way.

"I'm sorry, only friends do that here." Tyson sarcastically smiled, and Avan gave him a glare.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble. I just came here to see how Victoria was doing." He looked at me.

"How are you doing?" He asked, and for a second I thought he'd been genuinely concerned.

Tears filled up my eyes, flooding my face.

"I missed you." I said, going over for a hug. He looked shocked.

"I miss you too."


I did not know what the fuck was going on. One moment, Victoria gives me this evil genius look, and the next she's crying on that asshat's shoulder.

Annoyance and rage overtook my senses, but I stopped myself from breaking them up, and well, breaking him up, when I saw Victoria give me the same evil genius look.

What is she doing?

"I'm gonna go get a beer for us okay? Just stay here." She smiled at him.

I followed her into the kitchen to find out what she was trying to do, and also, if I had to be in the same room as him any longer I might of just exploded.

"What are you playing at?" I asked, very confused.

"That asshole really thinks he can just pop by and pretend everything's okay and nothing happened? Please." She said, before strutting out of the kitchen.

Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora