Chapter 26.

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"Babe, did you pack my favorite boxers?" Tyson yelled from our bathroom. I shuffled around, spotting the dark blue material, the words "sexy beast" written in a bold red. I giggled to myself.
"Yup, they're here." I called back. At that moment he stepped out, dressed in only a towel, his hair damp, his messy curls all over the place, and skin glistening with the layer of water that clung to his skin. The lamp on my bedside was the only thing lighting the room. I stared at him in awe, as he used a towel to dry his hair. He looked beautiful, and I found myself wondering how I got so lucky. I grabbed the Polaroid camera sitting on the shelf and took his photo. His head snapped up at the sound, and he gave me a questioning look.

"Creepy much?" He raised a brow, coming towards me, leaning over me.

"You look beautiful." I said dreamily.

"I didn't know the painkillers make you wacko." He smirked.

"Oh please, admit it, you're flattered." I flipped my hair.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He gushed, kissing me.

I peeked at the time and gasped.

"Ty hurry! Our flight's in two hours." It was currently 2 am. We took a late flight to avoid everyone. And I meant everyone. No one knew we were going away, mainly because, well, it's pretty self explanatory. We didn't want anyone to know, and just buy us a little time for privacy.

Tyson literally hopped into his clothes and we were out the door. The air was cool and crisp, delighting every aspect of our bodies. I forgot how nights like this felt. I took a deep breath in and smiled, my cheeks pinched from the cold.

We got into our Uber and drive to the airport. Excitement filled the pit of my belly. If you were wondering where we were heading on our little hushed escapade, it was Scotland. A little cottage in secluded little island, Foula. I mean, with a population of only 30, it was perfect. I mean, distant, yes, but it's what we needed.

"Scotland here we come." Tyson said, looking out the airplane window.

"Scotland here we come." I said quietly.

The only downfall: I hated planes.


"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." She muttered as the plane endured about another 10 minutes of turbulence. I opened my eyes, yet again, pulling off my best Garfield half eye look.

"Shouldn't we be worried? I mean...planes shouldn't be-" She gasped. I dragged my hand along my face, contorting it downwards.

"What if the wing is failing. Oh god, shit, this was a bad idea Ty. Ty-" she went on. Finally sighing, I cut her off.

"Babe?" I said softly, offering her a soothing smile.

"Yeah?" She swallowed, breathing quick.

"You know I love you, right?" I asked in the same tone.

"Yeah." She said slowly.

"And that you're my best friend?" I smiled.

"Yyyeah?" She raised a brow.

"So it's okay for me to tell you to shut up and calm the shit down when you're being annoying and obsessive, right? Because," I took a deep breath in, " you are."
I smiled sarcastically. She rolled her eyes upward and pouted.

"I'm sorry! I just can't help it! And you're not helping either y'know. You know how much I hate planes and- OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT." She literally screamed at the top of her lungs when the seatbelt sign sound went off, earning glares her way.

"Shhh! Vic it's 5am and there are other people on this flight, you wackjob! Calm your tits woman, just put your seatbelt on." I whisper shouted. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Inner peace, inner peace, inner peace..." she said to herself and I chuckled, taking her hand in mine and rubbing it gently.

"Six hours, and you'll be kissing the ground, okay? Try getting some sleep." I kissed her cheek and she rested her head of my shoulder.

"Okay, goodnight." She whispered. I smiled and kissed her head, breathing in her fruity, vanilla-like scent.



I woke up about thirty minutes prior to landing, and saw that Victoria had still been fast asleep. I should probably wake her up, so she can get freshened up and stuff, after the long flight.

But of course, I have to pay her back for the terror she caused me for about 90% of the journey. An evil grin formed on my face as probably the most terrible, sadistic, assholian plan crossed my mind.

One, two....

"Vic! Vicky get up, we are crash landing. Vic hurry, get the life jacket under the seat. Victoria!" I whispered frantically. She shot up, too panicked to see that everyone was still asleep, and also oblivious to the fact the plane was completely flying smooth and steady, she began to cry and frantically reached for the lifejacket.

"Oh my god, oh my god, Tyson I don't wanna die, Tyson help" she sobbed, and I immediately felt bad, but couldn't contain my laughter any longer. She looked at me confused at first, but then slapped me hard on the shoulder. And I mean hard .

"Ow" I said between my laughter, tears brimming my eyes.

"You're such an asshole! I hate you!" I continued laughing, leaning toward her to give her a hug but she punched me in the groin. All the air was knocked out of me at once and I wheezed through airy coughs.

She was laughing now.

"Okay, agreed, I deserved that." I strained.

She got up, heading to the toilet. I gathered my things as the seatbelt sign came on again, and the pilot buzzed through the speakers, telling us we were to land in approximately fifteen minutes.

I heard heavy, quick footsteps coming from the other end, and turned to see Victoria full-on running back to our seat, and laughed at her panicked expression.

"Ma'am, no running please!" The stewardess scolded.

"Sorry!" Vic screamed at her face, slowing to a jog, and I was crying from laughter at this point. She was so comical.

"Now all I'm looking forward to is the ride back home." I said, wiping tears away, as she sat back down and quickly buckled up.

"Shut it, Ritter." She said bluntly, closing her eyes tight and gripping the seat with dear life. I took her hand in mine, soothing her, and slowly found her relaxing, just a little, under my hands.

Once we landed, it took us about half an hour to get a cab.

Butterflies of anticipation filled my stomach as the realization of what I planned to do set in.

Tomorrow awaits us.

Say The Word. *REWRITTEN* (Victoria Justice And Tyson Ritter)Where stories live. Discover now