26. Dating! Or Not....?

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My head was fucking killing me the second I opened my eyes and I regretted going to work instead of crawling back into the sheets.

So, on top of having low alcohol tolerance, this body also somehow managed to have hangover effects ten times worse than normal human ones?

And this information was kept from me for what? To make me suffer???

'Max, I need a werewolf do's and don't's right now.' I linked the sleeping beast in my head, resting my head on the counter.

'And I need you to shut the fuck up right now.' He replied with a tired yawn and I did so while yawning myself.

Kia was also as dead as I felt the next morning, so I was forced to go to work without any caffeine, since the guy usually made my coffee for me. I knew I could always make one for myself and I tried to, but when I stubbed my pinky toe three times and almost burned myself with boiling water, Kai had officially gotten out of his bed to get me out of the kitchen.

"Here you go!" Casey chirped as she plopped a hot cup of coffee down on the counter.

"Thank you so much Cas, I really needed this." I said, gratefully taking the cup.

The boss had ordered me to take a short break from work since I kept on messing up the orders. I was already having a headache, and the lack of caffeine in my veins just resulted in sloppier and uncoordinated actions. I really needed this coffee along with the break, knowing the boss was seconds away from firing me if I fucked up another drink.

"You're welcome." She said, leaning against the counter, "How much did you even drink to end up like this?" 

"Hell, even I don't know." I don't remember anything after the cool dancing and the third cup, "Yesterday isn't even a blur." 

I was going to ask Kia what happened at the party this morning but the boy could only groan out in pain, which, to be honest, sounded like buffalo moans to me. And Max was probably sleeping in my head like always, so getting the details of the prior night from him didn't seem plausible.

I just hoped I hadn't done something more embarrassing than those dance moves last night.

"Oof, I feel better now." I stretched after emptying the cup, looking around the empty cafe, "I'll get the mopping done, you rest up Casey."

"'Kay." She disappeared into the restroom and I started getting work done.

After mopping half of the cafe, the door chimed open and I could smell an entire bakery.

"Hey, Phoenix!" I said gleefully without having to look up, too used to the sweet scent that always stuck to him, "You're early today."

He usually arrived an hour later and I noticed because it was now one of my habits to stare down the clock and mentally calculate how much more minutes were remaining before I could see him again.

"Yeah, I finished work early." Phoenix said, he was wearing a suit like usual, but was carrying a bag in his hand. He didn't make any attempt to walk inside the cafe, just stood there in front of the glass doors staring at the floor.

"What are you-" Before I could finish the sentence, Phoenix leapt off the floor and landed on his toes a few feet ahead. I watched in surprise as he balanced himself before jumping again and again, till he was standing right in front of me.

"The floor was wet." He explained, "I didn't want you to have to do it again because of me."

I just stared at him, trying to keep my facial expressions in control and my heart at bay.

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