5. Rogue Lessons with Max

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"Don't be nervous, alright?" I tried to soothe Kia who was biting on his lip so hard it was seconds away from bleeding, "We trained a month for this. You'll do great in school. I know it. "

At least I hope you do.

A month in Wellspring went quite quickly and more peacefully than I anticipated.

No rogues came knocking on my door late at night, no Jax came to torture me for 23 years.

And also no hope of returning to my original world.

I knew, I definitely knew how things worked in reincarnation plots. The reincarnated-into-antagonist people never return to their original worlds. They just suck up to their new life and try not to die.

Like I'm doing right now.

But it was still pretty hard to get used to living this way. Waking up to a different ceiling every day inside a new (sexy) body was odd to me.

Especially, when it came to bathing. I felt shy every time I shower and I have no idea how long it will take till I get used to it.

Getting a job in the cafe was easy, (thanks to Rayvon's handsome face) and so was getting Kia into the school.

Max knew how to forge documents to create fake identities (as expected of the villain's wolf). And Kia had spent the entire month studying and watching popular high school series on my laptop so he could get an idea about how the human world works. Kia's knowledge was not up to the par for a fifteen-year-old but he was a quick learner and aced most of the subjects easily, putting my twenty-year-old graduate self to shame.

Like how can anyone do that??? How can he manage to study almost four years' worth of knowledge in a month??! I get that he's the main character of a werewolf book but what kind of supernatural powers are those??

Some authors out there really be making their characters like Einstein.

But this kind of intelligence in a werewolf book? A genre that solely revolves around the physical strength of the part-wolf with a pinch of obsessive romance where the guy starts growling at random people if they as much as breath in the same air as their mate? That's a literal waste of Kia's intellect.

Kia would've done greater in a nerd X playboy storyline than a werewolf.

I sighed.

I would've done great myself in that kind of book. At least the antagonist doesn't die in typical high school romance books.

"Just listen." I tried to calm Kia who was about to have a panic attack, "Just walk in there, sit and attend the classes. Make sure not to choose the front row or make eye contact with the teachers. Don't get distracted by random things. And if you don't understand something when someone's talking to you, just smile and nod. Okay?"

Kia gulped harshly, fisting the straps of his book bag tightly.

He gave me a nervous look before forcing a smile and nodding.

I smiled in return and patted his shoulder, "I'll come pick you up after my shift is over. Wait for me and don't go around strolling on your own."

He nodded again and I handed him a buck, "Here, your lunch money and if you want to buy something extra."

Kia frowned, "I made a tiffin though?"

I chuckled, "So just keep it and spend it later, whenever you feel like it."

His frown depended as he tried to hand the note back to me, "It's your money. You've already done enough, I don't deser-", "Just shut up and take the money." I deadpanned and he closed his mouth.

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