19. Take Me

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I scurried through the busy street, tightening my grip on the cupholder as my eyes scanned the buildings glistening orange due to the drowning sun.

I was currently on my way to Phoenix's office to deliver his coffee.

I got to know while texting Jane (his secretary who was also a regular at the cafe now) that Phoenix would be working late tonight, which meant we couldn't goof around texting each other till late evening.

That was sad, but one miss leads to an opportunity.

Which I was about to grope the fuck out of.

'Yeah, grope that opportunity!" Max cheered sarcastically in my head, 'Can you also grope his di-'

'No, Max. I can't grope his dick, chest, butt or any other private parts.' I deadpanned.

Why is he so horny all the time?! The only time he isn't horny is when he is sleeping!

'Aww, fine.' He pouted and sulked silently.

I mentally shook my head and strolled forward.

So, grabbing the opportunity, I asked Jane if I could bring her boss (and my future boyfriend) a coffee after my shift was over and she happily agreed.

Jane had texted me the company's address, which was pretty complicated to locate so I was using my human brain and wolfy senses to find it.

I finally stopped in front of a huge glass building and something about the place made me think it was Phoenix's.

Shamefully, like a dog, I took a deep sniff of the air surrounding the building, putting my wolf nose to use.

There was a hint of Phoenix's scent mixed in it so I decided to fuck my anxiety and entered the building.

I texted Jane about my arrival and she was down in less than a minute, safely smuggling me inside the building through the guards.

"Hey," I greeted her and she grinned, "Hi! You came later than I expected."

"Uh, well, I had some trouble finding this place. I'm not very good with directions." I told her which was not a complete lie. I can manage to find my way back home but getting to places for the first time was what I sucked at.

'You bring shame to the werewolf name with your disability.' Max grumbled.

'So do you, with your horniness.' I countered, before handing Jane the coffee.

"Here you go. Tell Phoenix to enjoy."

She looked at me with a confused gaze, "Wait, you're not going to give it to him yourself?"

I rose a brow, "Am I allowed to do that? Isn't he like a President or something? How can I just enter his office without being a employee?"

Jane waved her hand dismissively, "Of course you can. You guys are pretty close friends." She said, "Mr. Suarez talks about you a lot. He would be mad at me for not letting you inside."

My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat at her words.

Mr. Suarez talks about you a lot.

"He talks about me?!" I whisper-yelled in excitement, "What about me??"

Jane looked mildly amused at my reaction, "Yeah, he talks about how you make the best coffee in the entire universe."

My smile dropped slightly.

Out of all the things, he talked about the coffee I make?!

"So you should go and give it to him." She handed me the coffee back, "I'll show you the way."

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