12. Tattoo

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I fixed the sleeve of my white button-up shirt, peeking down at my tattoed chest to make sure my nipple was not slipping out.

Running a hand through my reddish-brown hair, I checked my reflection on the phone screen.

A sexy man (that's me!) stared back at me, hair messy yet seductive with the top few buttons of the shirt undone. I practiced my 'flirty smile no. 12' a couple of times before my eyes wandered to the time displayed on the phone screen.

He'll be here any moment....

I pinched my palm and waited for the man I had sexily dressed up for, hoping to awaken the gay inside of him.

A couple of days had passed by since that bonerful dinner with Phoenix. He still stopped by the cafe every day at the same time and ordered the same drink, but instead of sitting silently, we chatted occasionally.

We texted regularly as well, but I couldn't get more than two sentences from the guy, even when we were texting.

Though, we had reached a new level of friendship where I was trying to subtly seduce him and he was being blatantly oblivious.

The door chimed open and I straightened up, putting a the practiced smile on my face as Phoenix's sweet scent floated in.

"Hey, Phoenix." I greeted him as he walked in, looking alluring as usual.

"Hello Jay." He greeted back with a nod, looking at me briefly.

Like what you see?

Was what I would've asked if I had a teaspoon more of confidence.

"The usual?" I asked instead and he nodded.

I quickly made his drink, which I had memorised to the point where if someone woke me up in the middle of the night to make it, I could do it perfectly.

But then again, my insomniac ass was usually awake in the dead of the night, so it wasn't something I could brag about.

I grabbed a tray and placed the drink on it with a dessert to go. 

I carefully shuffled towards the table while Phoenix- who was still traumatized after my attempt to get his digits - watched me anxiously.

I successfully made it to his table without any (fake) accidents and placed the tray down.

"It's on the house." I answered Phoenix's questioning gaze which landed on the strawberry shortcake, feeling a little proud at how quickly I had started to understand his silent gestures.

"Thank you." He said in a blank tone, but I knew he was just hungry and was dying to dig in on the inside.

I took a seat in front of him as there was no other customer to attend, trying not to get too distracted by his mouth, "So, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing much." He mumbled, too focused on the delicious cake rather than the delirious man in front of him.

Hah, nice.

"Then, would you like to go to the movies with me?" I asked, leaning my head down on my palm, "I was supposed to watch it with my roommate but he cancelled last minute."

Kai didn't even know about this but I was not confident enough to ask Phoenix on a date without some lame excuse to support me.

He looked up from his cake, his dark brown eyes watched me for a second too long, making me feel a little hot in the air-conditioned place.

"Text me the time. I'll see if I can manage."

I fist-pumped under the table and if Max weren't sleeping in my head, I knew he would be howling and wagging his tail.

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