8. Mate

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The hot shower washed away the soap suds and sleep away from me as I became more aware of my surroundings.

Not even remembering how I managed to get out of my bed, I turned the knob to stop the water and dried myself off, getting ready for the first day at my new job.

I got lucky with this one. The cafe was just starting up and the owner was looking for workers with experience. He hired me the second he heard I had three years of working experience in a cafe (which was kinda dumb cause anyone could lie with a straight face).

The job was well paying and I took up as many shifts as I could since I couldn't find any other suitable job. Not even in the central library. Tsk.

Exiting the bathroom, I paused as I took notice of the things that my prior sleep doused eyes failed to.

"Kia, what's all this mess?" I deadpanned at the big child who peacefully laid in his bed which was loitered in my clothes.

He grumbled and shoved his nose in one of my favourite shirts, making me stomp to his bed and snatch it away from him.

"You are getting them crumpled!" I whined, "I need to wear something nice. Today's my first day to work."

Kia whined in response before opening his eyes, blinking them drowsily to adjust to the sunlight.

I was surprised to see silver eyes, "Hyung," a deeper voice which belonged to Kai's wolf spoke, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" I snapped back, just noticing how he wore my hoodie "With my clothes? And where is Kia?"

"He had a nightmare." Noah spoke, "He was having trouble waking up so I took over. But he still didn't wake up so I drowned in your scent to calm him. It worked."

I nodded with a small frown, "Is he still asleep now?"

It was quite rare, but occasionally, Kai had pretty bad night terrors.

When he was young, he would just get in my bed and cling to me till he fell asleep and I would wake up to a mini heart attack the next morning, thinking some giant monster or Jax's muscular arms were trying to strangle me. I remember once kicking him in my half-asleep panic state, screaming 'BLOODY LIZARD' at the top of my lungs.

He stopped trying to get in my bed after that.

"Yeah, quite peacefully. Your scent always helps him calm down." Noah answered making me wrinkle my nose, "I don't get how his nose works."

Noah chuckled, his silver eyes glistening, making me stare at them a second longer.

I didn't notice this the first few times I met Noah, but I soon realised his eyes were not red like Max's or any other rogues.

Max had told me it was because Kai wasn't a 'true rogue' like himself. I didn't bother letting him further explain to me what 'true rogue' meant. If it meant kidnapping children and finding pleasure in torturing them, I'd rather not let Kai be a true rogue.

"By the way, I was thinking about exploring the area today." Noah told me while I folded my clothes he used as a nightmare soothing blanket, slapping at his leg once to make him get up from the bed, "Well, okay. Just don't get in trouble or lost on your way, following butterflies or cats."

Noah rolled his eyes, "I'm not a pup anymore, nor is Kai." He scoffed, "We won't get in trouble now."

I snickered, "With the kind of shitty luck you have, I doubt it."

Trouble has a tendency to follow the MC of every book till the end.

"Says the guy who literally got reincarnated as a villain in a novel and has rogues hunting him down for something he didn't even do." Noah retorted back, making me wince.

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