16. Movie Date

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My shift was finally over and I skipped all the way to the changing room, getting ready for my Movie date with Phoenix.

After my long waiting, the day had finally arrived!

And so had Kia's birthday.

He left our apartment at ungodly hours in the morning for his training, so I couldn't wish him.

He didn't wake me up as well, and that could either be because he's sympathetic towards my beauty sleep or still mad about the conversation we had five days ago.

But I knew he won't be for long.

I had it all planned out. His training ended after 5:30 and the movie ends around 6:30. So after picking up the cake, I could still make it to our home by seven and spend the rest of the evening together.

I had a gift prepared for him too. And knowing his behaviour, he won't be able to stay mad at me for long.

I messed with my red curls for a while before pulling them back in a messy small bun which complimented my olive green sweatshirt.

My hair was going to go wild on his bike anyway, so it would be a waste of time to style them.

'Max,' I called the wolf in my head, examining myself in front of the restroom mirror, 'How do I look?'

'Fuckable' was his response.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance, 'Why do I even bother to ask you?' I sighed to myself.

'Because I give my honest opinion and perfect advice?' Max huffed out with a snort, 'Anyway, you actually look decent. So, cheer up and focus on your date. And cross your fingers in hopes of getting laid tonight.'

I rolled my eyes with a small smile, packing my stuff in my bag, 'I am not getting laid tonight. I already have plans for Kia's birthday.'

'Oh right. That pup's turning 18 tonight.' Max remarked, 'I should go hunting later on. Get him a rabbit or something.'

My face almost exhibited the horror I felt on the inside, 'Excuse me but you're not going rabbit hunting on my watch.' I chided Max, 'Besides, entering the forest is out of the question. Not until Jax recognises Kai as his mate.'

Max rolled his eyes, 'Sure sure. But how about you focus on our love story now, instead of that pup's?'

'That's what I was planning on doing anyway.' I mumbled before cutting off our link.

I stepped out of the cafe looking out for a handsome man on an elegant bike. I smiled dreamily, losing myself at the reminder of Phoenix's muscular back which I was about to feel soon enough.

Suddenly, a black sports car stopped in front of me.

I frowned when the window rolled down slightly and Phoenix's face came into view.


Hello to you too, but where the hell is your bike?

"Hi!" I couldn't hide the slight disappointment in my voice, "Thank you for picking me up and, er-nice car."

Phoenix just motioned for me to get in and I gulped down my disappointment, reaching for the handle to get in.

When I opened the door, it felt as if I opened an oven filled with freshly baked sweets, of each and every kind.

It was so intoxicating and alluring.

Phoenix's car was so full of his scent, I was seconds away from panting like the wolf in my head who had succumbed to it mere seconds ago.

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