24. Rain Between Us

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Next stage of my plan: Have Sex with Phoenix.

It sounds super complicated, and it definitely was. But by following some simple protocols in this BL world, I could have his dick inside me by the end of the day.

My plan was to go somewhere far away with Phoenix, to a beach or forest or whatever. The location wasn't important, the place just had to be far from our homes.

Then after some sightseeing and booze-filled dinner, our slightly tipsy brains would notice that oh no, it was raining.

I had purposely picked out a rainy day to go outside, but I would pretend like I hadn't and suggest Phoenix to just stay the night at some hotel nearby.

But oh no again, the hotel just happened to be a motel with only a double bed which we would be forced to share.

The sexual tension would slowly start to build when we strip off our wet clothes to change into fresh ones and then suddenly, I trip on anything and land on Phoenix, who lands on the bed, and our lips accidentally brush against each other.

And then the next series of actions would put my butt virginity to an end.

I sighed ruefully as I looked up at the thrashing clouds, if only that would be reality.

I had talked with Phoenix two days ago about going on a trip this weekend. He had surprisingly agreed to it shortly and we had set on going for a hike to nearby mountains in the next city.

A remote location which was a perfect place for executing my plan.


"I think our bus just got cancelled." Phoenix said after checking his phone,  "It's raining quite heavily so..."

Apparently, Yaoi Gods decided to betray me by preponing the rain, bringing my perfect plan crashing down before it could even start.

"Figures." I mumbled, glaring at the sky above, "I wouldn't want to be driving in this weather either."

"You don't know how to drive." Phoenix pointed out and I rolled my eyes, "If, if I knew how to drive, I wouldn't want to."

"I was excited for this." A sigh escaped my lips, "So much for wanting a trip."

And sex, I added mentally with a mental sigh.

"Me too." Phoenix said with a sigh of his own, "Well, some other time, I suppose."

We then just stood under the shade of the bus stop, both knowing it was time to part but not wanting to initiate it.

A cold gust of air slapped me in the face and I quickly sneaked a glance at my human who seemed to shudder at the bitter air.

Oh no, what if he catches a cold?!

For the last couple of years, I hadn't even sneezed or coughed out snot. This werewolf body was supportive of every kind of weather, unlike my prior meek human body which resisted the change in the season a bit too harshly.

And since my soulmate was stuck in the 'meek human body', he would be likely to catch a cold if he stayed outside in this weather.

Thinking of the well-being of my other half, I finally broke the silence, "I think we should just go back to our homes now, it's getting pretty cold."

Phoenix nodded, fetching out his phone, "I'll book a cab for us."

"No need." I quickly declined, "My house is like, 5 minutes from here. I'll just run there."

Phoenix's blank face slightly changed to a 'Oh I remember that' face, "Oh right, you live nearby here."

"Yup, we can even run to my house together and hang out at my place." I said without thinking.

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